"A yottabyte exactly is 2 to the 80th power in bytes; 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes.
A yottabyte is also equal to 1024 zettabytes.
With a hundred trillion cells, each one storing 6GB of data in its DNA, the body of a typical living animal stores a grand total of 600YB, making it the world's most redundant storage device."--Wikipedia:
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Comments 4
No, but seriously, that was a fascinating bit of information. I shall file it under "Picture of A Modern Deoxyribonucleic Acid Strand", by B. Budke, in watercolor and SNOT.
250-page novel with 1500 pages of advertising? So the typical DNA strand is not unlike the Internet then, huh?
Quite right, in fact you can even think of a human chromosome as being full of pop-ups (introns), spyware (transposable elements), and of course, worms and trojans (integrated viral DNA).
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