one can always count on erin to come up with a fabulous survey at the best possible moment to facilitate my procrastination
1. Do you have anyone on speed-dial? not really, unless speed dial means the thing where i put it in my cell phone and never have to remember then number. in which case EVERYONE I KNOW is on speed dial.
2. Tell me about the most worthless class you’ve ever taken. this list is soooo long because almost every class i've taken in college is worthless. but i think right now i will go with my spanish conversation class. because, well, it's just worthless.
3. Are you any good at crying? how can someone be good at crying? unless we mean crying at opportune moments to get things we want like extensions on lab reports, in which case yes i am good at that. i may be the worst feminist ever.
4. Or at doing shots? ooh baby, can i ever do shots. except that i actually can't. i take them wrong.
5. Or at folding maps the correct way? i avoid folding maps usually, so i don't really know.
6. What is the most unfortunate nickname you’ve ever been given? i think other people's answer to part 2 of this question have almost exclusively been my answers to part 1 of this question. as such, i never really give people unfortunate nicknames, since i get waaaay too many myself.
7. What are your feelings on white socks? HATE HATE DIE DIE. seriously. white socks=the suck. sometimes, in the winter, when i have to, i wear pretty patterned or colored socks. but really i prefer flipflops or other forms of open-toed, open-heeled shoes. like strappy sandals!! also, white socks remind me of sjs and uniforms. ew.
8. What are your feelings on Styrofoam? does anyone really have strong feelings about styrofoam? other than that it's usually not biodegradable and therefore sucks?
9. If someone grabbed you on the street, dragged you into a dark alleyway, and held you at knifepoint demanding that you do something creative with a paper plate…what would you do with it? i would try to fold it into one of those fortune-teller thingies, and then i would fail and get stabbed to death. let's hope i dont ever wind up in that situation.
10. Do you base your purchases in certain stores upon said stores’ corporate actions (i.e., use of sweatshops or donating lots of money to certain political causes you don’t agree with)? YES YES I DO. all you suckers who shop at walmart may be disowned. THEY DON'T CARRY EC, PEOPLE. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOO.
11. Have you ever read a trashy novel and enjoyed it? define "trashy." define "novel."
12. Are you obsessed with recording every event with your digital camera? And then posting said pictures somewhere online? Could you please explain this phenomenon to me? nope, i have no camara. i never take pictures.
13. Do you know what, exactly, decoupage is? Have you ever done it? only from reading other peoples' answers, and no never
14. Why do you make your Livejournal friends-only/public? sometimes i say mean things about people. i don't usually want them to read it. so i use a lot of custom filters. having lost one friend (SO DUMB) that way (cough cough emily nolte cough cough) i am now super super careful.
15. What did you dream about recently? who sleeps enough for dreaming anyway?
16. Do you have any goals? i have many goals. and i will achieve all of them, bitches. :)
17. Do you have any dumb goals (an example-one of mine is to make out on the top of this parking garage here at school. An example for you would be getting a tattoo of a potato on your ankle)? oh so many. let me think of an example. nope, nothing comes to mind, they're all too dumb.
18. What do you call that stuff in a tube that you put on your lips to make them not get all cracked and chapped? what? you're supposed to put stuff on them when they get like that??
19. What laws have you broken? jaywalking (every day), underage smoking, underage drinking, underage sex, sodomy (as alex said, the law stipulated oral sex too), the law that you can't hug anyone in a parked car in west u, public indecency, at least witnessing vandalism (sunscreen penises anyone?), many others
20. Is there anything you obsessively collect? i collect everything obsessively. because i am obsessive.
21. Has anyone ever told you that you’re an 80-year old woman? nope.
22. How the heck did you come up with your screen name? i am a mean manipulative bitch. unless you mean my aim name, in which case it harkens back to 7th(?) grade when sarah labrie wanted to change the spelling of her name to czera so we all had alternate name spellings.
23. What is the most pretentious-sounding title you’ve ever used on a paper? i am so good at pretentious sounding titles. i think the winner (at least for non-science papers) may be "Contradictions, Bias, and Misplaced Hope: the Consequences of the West vs. the Rest Mentality in European Travel Literature"
24. How would you define postmodernism? annoying.
25. How do you define friendship?
26. How do you feel about the flavor blue raspberry? not so much a fan
27. And for that matter, snow cones in general? mmm snow cones. too bad it's fucking cold in MA and snow cones are therefore never applicable.
28. Would you rather have six toes or six fingers? fingers. it might come in handy to have an extra. also, having a sixth toe would make it harder for shoes to fit. especially dance shoes and strappy sandals, which are both extremely important kinds
29. Name a “guilty pleasure.” pina coladas on monday nights
30. Now that you’ve had time to think about it, have you finally succumbed to my theory that Post-its are, indeed, worthless? no, well, sort of. i use little scraps of paper to write important notes and throw them around my room all the time. and usually i find them and remember to do whatever it was. also i do physics problem on them. however, the stickiness of post-it notes is rarely, if ever, truly necessary.
31. Have you ever fallen in the channel? no.
32. Are you particularly loyal to a specific brand of facial tissue? no.
33. If you had to define it, what would you say is the purpose of masking tape? being an uglier, less useful version of regular tape?
34. What was your favorite television show as a child? i was not permitted to watch television as a small child.
35. Do you like poetry? yes
36. Do you like icing? on cake yes, as a separate food no.
37. Do you like to borrow things from other people…and then never return them? no. though i sometimes do legitimately forget to give things back for weeks at a time.
38. What is the difference between mortal and venial sins? venial sins aren't worth it?
39. Do you write in cursive or print? a combination
40. True or false: Chile is a horrible country. down with chile!!
41. True or false: you can learn valuable information from reading Cosmopolitan. 9 things you never knew you could do with whipped cream...
42. If you had to pick one, what would you say your favorite mark of punctuation is? hmmmm i'd probably have to go with the semicolon because no one really knows how to use it. well, i do, but most people whose papers i proofread in fact have no idea.