Weird. Is this something they're doing in phases? Because mine looks totally okay (but another friend wrote on Tumblr that her LJ comments are totally strange).
I don't know for sure! All I know is that they just unrolled the new update a couple days ago, and since I read all comment pages off my friends page in my own style, I didn't notice until I actually went to look! And it is AWFUL, my blackberry won't even load lj at all anymore.
It's probably because your comment pages are in your journal style. Which is something I never bothered with, because the custom ones were usually clunkier and busier and buggier than the LJ default, but hoo boy, if they keep this ill-advised redesign, I'm switching to custom ones stat.
Hey, custom means you can make it look the way you want to -- depending on how much time you want to spend tinkering. I like mine; I didn't like it when I first installed it, but I made a couple tweaks and now I don't like any others.
I can't use it on my phone unless I try to load my own pages, if I try to use LJ pages my phone just times out because it's so image intensive. :P Not that my blackberry ever was very fast, but I used to be able to post comments and read the kinkmeme. NOT ANYMORE.
Comments 8
This new change sounds terrifying.
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