I totally just had the best dream ever.
I was wearing expensive jewelry and an evening gown as part of the guests of honour to a private and exclusive dinner-and-a-show. Which included Aaron Lazar as the primary performance. During one of his numbers he pointed me out among the guests at the dinner tables and embarrassed me in front of the other guests (we're talking royalty. okay.) before singing a song.
And then there was a ... lounge with drinks and super expensive delicacies where Aaron and the other performers were willing to talk and do whatever. In my dream he sang "Les Temps des Cathédrales" from Notre-Dame de Paris -- out of the blue, as a request -- and I about died from joy. There were weird people who got thrown out for being creepers but he was really gracious about everything (because it's Aaron of course). I don't remember most of the conversation but I do know we talked about Pearl Jam. :)
...and then when I left after 4am even though the party was still going my father was pissed and made me attempt to run and jump into the passenger side of the cab of his truck, in the middle of Manhattan traffic in the rain. Whereupon I started crying about how impossible it was to run in this dress and these shoes and doesn't he care that I just had the best night of my life?!
Then I woke up. I am so sad this did not actually happen. :(
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