Boy a lot has happened...

Aug 29, 2008 14:49

I swear I read my friends page almost every night, but I've not mustered up the mental strength to type because so much has been going on in the past few months.  Many cuts will be necessary...

I have the most awesomest super-duper friends ever, because I had the nicest shower evar!!!!  The setup with the wine bottles and candles was beautiful, the little candybar favors were adorable, the food was great, the games were fun, everything just rocked!   Thanks to my girls for that awesome party!  (and also for the eiffel tower wine rack filled with wines, that is going right into my french wine-themed dining room on display!)  In addition, Theresa made my aunt cry when she talked about my mom, which always (sadly) makes me a smile, since she can be so catty sometimes.  A well rounded success!  My family is still talking about how nice it was.  Also awesome is the amount of gifts sitting in my basement waiting to be put away!  I've already set up my bathroom with my bath set and shower curtains.  I've also set up some of my kitchen stuff.  As grandma packs her stuff, I replace it with our stuff in the house, which brings me too....

...Buying a home!!!  So yea, on August 14th at approximately 7pm, Pat and I became homw owners.  YAY!!!!!   I've already started picking out colors for the first floor since daddy loves me and will get us much paint!  Over the weekend, we moved Patrick in and we now have boxes of his shit down in the basement mixed in the the shower gifts we've not been able to put away yet because Gram is still living here.  (more on that in a moment).  We're taking over the King-size room as our master bedroom, and I have awful news for all of you who "use" the purple room at New Year's: THERE'S NO MORE BED!!!! OH NOES!!!!   It's just two computer desks, bookshelves, and laundry.  But don't despair, my old 3rd floor room is being turned into my hookah/meditation room, and there will still be a bed there.  It'll be pimp.

Grandma found herself a lovely apartment that is actually the 2nd floor of a house up by Steel Valley Highschool.  The lady even let gram choose what color to repaint her bathroom.  how cool is that?  But she is also getting the place recarpeted, so gram is not moving out til the 8th.  But that's cool, cause Pat and I can help her pack.  She has a lot of shit...  LOL

I decided to try posting out to a couple of available jobs within PNC just to see what is out there.  I really didn't think that I'd start posting out until after the new year when everything has settled down, but a couple of jobs that seemed pretty decent popped up, so i figured what the hell.  So 2 months after I decide to do this, I get a call from HR saying that they'd like to set up a few interviews for one of the jobs i posted for.  A few is an understatement, the y set up FOUR interviews, four days in a row.  Damn that's a lot of worrying all packed into one week... lol

So my first 3 interviews seem to go real well, though I'm still convinced that I have no chance in hell because I"ve only been with the company for 1 year  (exactly 1 year on the 13th to be exact).  Then the 4th and final interview day comes.  Last chance to impress.  Final shot to strut my proverbial "stuff". I had scheduled all of these interviews during my lunch break so as not to be off of the dialer too long at my current job, so I get to my van on my lunch break:

Mother F-ing FLAT-AS-A-FLAPJACK tire....

So I'm supposed to be downtown at One PNC Plaza in 10 minutes, and my tire is destroyed.  I RUN back into the building, basically feeling sick that of all the days, this would happen on my last interview.  I'd have rather gotten a flat on 376 in rush hour than right now!  I start to turn my computer on to send this interview guy an email telling him i was going to be late because I had to take a bus into town because my car hates me, and my cube-mate rachael said "what wrong hun?!"  I'm  like "I have a f-ing flat tire, i have an interview in 6 minutes, and i have to email this guy and tell him that i'm running late and have to catch the bus..." i'm basically rambling at this point.  She just goes "oh no girl, you gotta go NOW! "and tosses me her car keys.  She's like "I'm parked on the side of 2760, just hit the panic button, you'll find it!"  So after wandering the parking lot hitting the panic button like a Shoof McDougleson, i find her car (which was a VERY nice car and made me nervous as hell taking it into a parking garage downtown.) and I drive over to One PNC, park, and I'm STILL 15 min late.  I explained myself, but I was like "shit, i was late for an interview, they might as well tell me to fuckoff  now..." because usually that'll just blow your chances right there.

I get back to work after the interview, Susanne is like "i'm sure they understand..." but i was just toally sick.  I sent pat an email from work basically telling him that 1. I'm going to be late cause i have to change a tire on penn avenue. and 2. be prepared, i'm miserable because i just blew any shot of getting this job.  Not even 10 minutes after i send him that email, i get an HR email saying "call Julie Rose ASAP about the AA position".  I call her and she's like "I don't know what you did to impress them, but they came back with you as their first choice in less than an hour..." and proceeded to offer me the position.  I was shaking after the phone call because I was literally having what one might consider a nervous breakdown since i had been running on adrenaline for about 2 hours with this whole homeric-oddessy of a day.  I get back up to my desk and Erika is like "girl, what is wrong with you?" and I'm just like,  "jesus-tap-dancing-christ, I got the job...".  I think the stress from all of that just knocked 1 1/2 years off of my life expectancy....

So my last day at the CLC is on friday the 5th.  And while I'm uber excited about the new job (oh yea, i might want to mention what it IS...  I'l lbe an Administrative Assistant for 7 manager/directors  and i will be doing things like reading through their business reports for proofreading/editing,  putting together powerpoint presentations for them for their meetings, and some other mundane things like scheduling travel, task managing, payroll, etc.)  I'm also just a little worried that these people won't end up liking me, or worse, i'll not like them.  I don't see why i wouldn't, i get along with damn near everyone.  But the CLC is just so laid back and friendly, and this place is a little more professional.  We shall see, but going up a grade level and getting a significant pay increase will hopefully make it worth it.  So goodbye Consumer Loans, hello Risk Analysis (as the department is called...).  Wish me Luck!

Things are coming together for the wedding.  I just sent out the invitations (with a few exceptions cause i'm still begging for their addresses) and the only big things to do right now are the food tasting tomorrow, renting the limo-bus, and going for my second dress fitting.  Luckily for me and my cousing Rosalyn, my dress did not need a whole hell of a lot of work.  She has to take the hem up barely a 1/2 inch, take in 2 spots in the chest to make sure the neckline lays smoothly, and the bustle, which will be easy because it is only a 3 point bustle.  I also made my veil from a veil kit and some stuff I picked up at Michaels.  I wanted something with colored crystals in it, and no one seems to make that, so I made my own veil for a grand total of 17.95.  Most veils are upwards of 60 bucks.  So I'm proud of myself.

I'm actaully proving to be quite crafty with this whole wedding thing.  the vines with grapes that i'm making to hang on the pews at church are simply adoreable, the chocolates for the favors are all turing our nicely, and the centerpieces are damn elegant (candle bowls with colored glass and rose-shaped candles). I also have a VERY creative idea for the programs, but you'll have to wait to see those.

I'm sure i'm forgetting something though, so i'm just waiting for that day when i'm like "OH SHIT, WE FORGOT WHAT?!".  But till then, everything is looking good for october 18th.  :)

And I think that is everything.  If it isn't, too bad, cause that's a lot of shit.  Can't wait to see y'all!!!!

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