here it is brittany. everything. i didn't know her during the big d show. i met her that saturday the saturday of stina's. w/e we talked of like 15 minutes cuz she was with this other girl evelyn. i didn't really know her. then i went to sitna's. and god i really liked you. then that sunday me and her started talking a lot. and like she would call me and we'd talk onlineand w/e. thats when i told you i thought i was losing intrest. because i thought i liked her. because i cant tell you i love you every second and know i might have a "crush" on someone else. thats why i broke up with you. cuz ugh i cant be with soemone knowing i might lik soemone besides them. then w/e. i kept talking to her. then after a few days i realized that liking her was stupid. i told that boy i liked her the day after i told you i lost interest. and he was telling me how he would "help me through this" and all that bullshit. then i stopped liking her. and i never told that boy i stopped liking her. and then when you "tricked him" and said "she already likes
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