I brought my camera to school today...It was funnn....weird...but fun....and OH MAN....ive gained so much weight....you can see it in my face....so im on my water diet again....:( I hate this thing but hey...it works...anyways.... so for the pictures.....
Well yea 1st period is science and me and Anita went to the bathroom and took some weird ass pictures...
Joey and Emily...WOO
marijuana leaf.....on my desk....hahhaha
Tajah with the marijuana leaf on her jacket thing...hahhaa
david with shit in his mouth...hahaha...
well then i went to L.A. and we took some gay test and i got to leave class early to help stephanie get down the elevator with her crutches so we stood outside drama
delphina (cum pants girl) haha
Delphina and Nicole...
Nina told me to take a pic of her backpack....so i did
Stephen singing his solo...WOOO *applause*
preeeeety brookeeee
half chinese nina
damn nina and those migranes of hers....
sexy me...;)
fabienne singing...haha
weird book...lol
Nina, emma, fabi and the security guards in spillout...hahhaa
Random pic with random people we dont know....hahhaa
us and some weird random girl in spillout
another random people pic...
LMAO i dared fabi to take a pic with some ghetto guy and when she asked him to take a pic some black girl was like "WHY YOU WANA TAKE A PICTURE WITH HIM? DO YOU LIKE HIM?!?!" and fabi goes "maybe" and she like pretends to blush and looks at her feet....O MAN LMAO IT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY
fabi and some other guy
lmao emma found that on the floor
care bear and fabi are 2 lucky girls!
one big ass
so then i went to history and couldnt take pics there cuz damn that teacher is strict...so then I went to math with my LD teacher...lol
scary gothic rapist guy who touches me all the time *runs away*
how i occupy myself in math..hahah
so me and nicole left durin math and went in the bathroom and took pics
woo! the bathrooms in the portables are so kik ass!
hahahaha lydian and nicoleee
and me lydian jennifer and nicole left class early because were rebels OH YEAH...and we walked around
and saw this mexican family and asked to take a picture with them...hahahhaha
then i got on the bus and took pics with cathy
My eyes look so blue in that picture :):):):):)
her haircut is so kik ass!
That pic is cool!
so then i came home and thats it!!!! WOOOOOOO......*runs in circles* STEPHANIE AND ELIZABETH GOT CALL BACKS FOR NEW WORLD!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO *jumps up and down* ok im done tata buddies