What's in a year?

Jul 22, 2010 05:17

I work next to this guy who has a really deep voice. He sits behind me, in an office. Every time he says anything it sounds like the devil is working behind me. It is pretty delightful. Really though if this guy isn't Satan for Halloween, the world is missing out. Seems nice enough, quiet, doesn't give me things to do when I'm idle. Though perhaps that is all a ruse. He is also one of the four Michaels in the office. It was suggested that I am causing a mighty problem by adding to this population. That conversation degraded into how the moon should be turned into a giant disco ball. (See below)

So I'm here currently wondering why this program isn't working. I want it to bring up the input interface. But it seems to have other plans in mind. Namely doing nothing. Sadly I'm not really sure what to do with it as the part that isn't bringing anything up, is a magical mystery program/script/large squid, that I have no idea how it might work. Turns out that it was a space character. Surely you can understand why someone who comes from a perl background would never expect such silliness.

One of the people that I work with came over to chat. I don't know what exactly she wanted to chat about, as we ended up talking about how many people there are named Michael here, and how it is a major problem. After deciding that the only solution was to name everyone tony, we got on the topic of age, where she said she was pleased to be Asian, unphased by my saying I'm pleased by being Asian as well, we continued on to talking about how the moon should be turned into a giant disco ball. Then the conversation just kind of dissolved. It was very strange.

Aaron took me to see Metropolis last Friday. It was awesome. Apparently the the last bits of it in 2008 (though I believe they are still missing one scene). The Alloy orchestra was also amazing, throughout the movie I was forgetting that it is a silent film. They just managed to make everything seem so lively. And the robot was awesome. Well especially when it was looking like the lady. She did a excellent job of making it seem like she was a robot that is supposed to be human. Perhaps I did it wrong, it was the first time that I saw it, and it all made sense. We even got treated to lady who vomits. I felt a little bad for her, but was proud of her all the same, she kept it in for a good two hours. (They are playing it again in August. I recommend it.)

There's a dog that comes to the office every day. He's really cute, and ignores you unless you have food. At which point he materializes (The office is equipped with wormholes). Also he likes to go charging around the office at top speed. He gets to an impressive speed, for a dog the size of a loaf of bread. He's also mighty and ferocious, You can tell by the way savagely shreds a tennis ball.

On my first day I was told that the fridge is loaded with soda, which I thought was cool. Then I learned a horrible thing. It was loaded with diet coke. Only diet. Only coke. I really feel this is the kind of thing you warn people about. "Oh the fridge is full of diet soda. You probably don't want to open it. We've been trying to get rid of it for awhile, but can't get anyone to take it away. We even offered to trade its volume for radioactive waste, still no takers." Turns out that it was just on the down turn, now it has both diet and ordinary coke. Still since Mexico ordinary coke is not too delicious. Though the thought is appreciated. And they do have a pile of snacks which is nice.

Also at a thrift store we found a trench coat. It was a nice looking leather coat that went down to about my knees. So I tried it on. About at this moment we realized this was not a trench coat at all, but the coat of Audrey the Giant. It did go down to about my knees, also the sleeves went past my hands by about five inches. I think it was made for someone who is at least nine feet tall. Were it a trench coat designed for a person of this size Aaron and I could have easily done that two short people in one trench coat thing.

I'm writing a letter about a program that I wrote. I was thinking of some text to use as an example. While trying to think of something from Repo Man "I'm feeling yummy from head to toe." came across the radio. Seemed like the kind of thing that I should use as test data to send to my coworkers. I decided on "No! It's Killdozer!"

And now here I am at home. I just made some lenses for some goggles. They seem to be quite nice. I put them on and everything was so clear. I'm not sure if the lenses are actually clearer, or just clean. I'm mostly thinking they are just clean. Still it was nice to have made them. I'm going to give a try to some out of plexi glass next. It is a nice material with the doesn't break and all, but it has failings, namely that it is much softer than glass...so many options. Well about two. I've also got some brass to trim. I think that might be the solution. Ok, finished the plexi-glass ones. They are pretty good as well. I'm going to bring them both up and see if they fit in Aaron's goggles. His goggles and mine seem to share the same diameter lens. The lenses I made fit in my goggles. Though on the way over they will grow. Which is odd given that they are not made of wood. None the less they will find a way. At which point they won't fit in the door.

And that is my mighty update. I needed something like an awesome showing of Metropolis to follow my Slash'em ascension. See look, and excuse.
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