You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partner
Very Kinky
A Sicko
How sexual are youcreated with
QuizFarm.com whoa
Do you wear black eyeliner?: yes
Do you own any black clothing?: yes
Do you think about death often?: no
Do you want to die?: no
Are you a social outcast?: partially
Are you pale?: ha!
Do you like Hot Topic?: not really
Total YES: 2.5
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: no
Do you wear Vans?: no
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: yes
Do you listen to punk bands?: yes
Do you have any piercings?: yes
Do you wear mohawks?: only fauxhawks
Total YES: 3.5
Do you say the word "like": yes
Do you wear ambercrombi Fitch?: no, but i have one of their bags
Are the A&F models hot?: god no
Rock music is bad, right?: nope
Do u want to be in a sority/faternity?: omgz!!!!1!!1!one!!! no
Into jocks/popular girls?: no
Are/were you a cheerleader?: in the third grade, does that count now?
Total YES: .5?
Is your hair long?: yes...ish...
Are you a vegetarian?: yes
Do you own a tye~dye shirt?:yes
Do you want peace?: yes
Do you want to save the animals?: yes
Do you think the war is unneccesary?: yes
Total YES: 6
Are you from the ghetto?: duh
Do you own "bling bling"?: no
Do you wear do-rags?: only every day
Do you like hip-hop?: word to your moms
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? r.i.p tupac!
You like afros?: i had one, it was awesome
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: my nizzle dizzle
Total YES: .6?
Do you cry often?: not really
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: i will soon
Are you emotional?: yes
Do you like soft music: yes
Do people not understand you?: i don't know
Do you write your own songs?: sort of
Is your hair dyed dark?: no, i was born with it that way
Total YES: 3..ish...
You play sports?: no
Are they important to you?: god no
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: i am the geeky kid =(
Do you like football?: no
Were you considered a bully by anyone?: ha!
Was the person you bullied a total dork?: i am a total dork
Total YES: 0
--Surf Bum--
Do you surf?: no
Do you wear flip flops year-round?: year-round when i come out of the shower...
Is your hair shaggy? no
Do you wake up at 6 or before every morning? ew, no
Do you own any pairs of shorts?: yes
Are you tan?: yes, i was born that way you assholes
Total YES: 2
Do you wear glasses? yes
Do you get good grades? n/a
Do you use an inhaler?: no
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? ...maybe...
Are you on the computer often?: yes
Do you ever get picked on?: not anymore =D
Total YES: 3.5
i don't know what this quiz was suppose to do...