May 19, 2007 02:08

I finally installed the picture editing/viewing software on my computer and put all the pictures I've taken so far on my computer. Then I started playing around with the pictures. I had no idea it would be this much fun. I LOVE MY CAMERA!!!!

Here is a white squirrel that is sometimes in my yard.

For some reason I like this picture. I think it's the blue. (I messed with the contrast and brightness some.)

Here is my hottie.

A totally bitchin' picture I took at night.

Yes, I took a picture of Grandpa Simpson.

My sweet, sweet sister, home from working. I loves her so.

My camera takes awesome pictures of active animals.

This is actually a cell phone keypad. Could you tell?

I have a cat.

It takes gorgeous outdoor pictures.


I really do love her.

Okay, now that I have slowed your computer to a crawl for no good reason, I will stop. I swear when the excitement wears off there will be less pictures. Except it will probably never wear off because it is so fucking cool.
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