(no subject)

Apr 08, 2004 00:08

1. What is your middle name? margaret

2. If you had been born the other sex, did your parents tell you what your name would have been? andrew. like the flame.

3. Do you have children and if so, what are their names? PSH WHAT????????

4. If you were to ever have a child or more children, what would you name them? im never having children, but if i did it would be an accident, and so i spose id have to name them, lydia or lenore, or...your mom on a sesamie seed bun

5. Most people know their mother's maiden name, but do you know your grandmothers' maiden names? Hamilton.

6. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? yeah and her name was sara and she was albino and she had acne.

7. What was the name of your first pet? first? um well when i was born we had barren and mickey, then we got willie a while later

8. What was the name of the first person you ever kissed? carlos.

9. What was the name of the school you attended as a child? country christian school. how midwestern can you get?

10. What was/is the name of your English teacher(s) in high school? Dickman, Spanheimer, Sherry, Dawson

11. Do you name your vehicles? What are the name(s)? andrew h. flame
[three words that sum you up]: wino, greasy, tired
[jewelry worn daily]: nickle on a chain. BLING.
[wallet]: black
[coffee]: cream
[shoes]: 4 year old vans
[cologne/perfume]: whats that? are you tryin to change me???
[clothing you have on]: pajamas again. dang, i do these things often enough, and im always wearing lame pajamas. one day im going to be wearing something so cool youll die. just wait.
[wishing]: my back/head/everything would stop hurting
[after this]: sweet lovley death, i am waiting for your breath
[talking to]: james. hes going to leave me and go to bed soon. why does he even bother comming on im then??
[eating]: spit
[fetishes]: twins. little boys.
[some favorite movies]: hey you know at family video in waukesha you can rent 2 movies for a buck???
[something you're looking forward to]: not working this weekend
[last thing you ate]: a bite of beans cheese sandwich
[something you’re afraid of]: devoloping scitzphrenia. being raped. having children and them dying.
[cities you wouldn’t mind moving too]: boston
[some favorite foods]: cheese. rasberry anything. beets. bread.
[something -or someone- you wish you could understand better]: myself. how brains work.
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time]: yeah, dude, like everyone

-DO YOU..-
[like candles]: si
[like company]: not more than being alone
[believe in soul mates]: rediculious
[believe in love at first sight]: no, not love.
[believe in forgiveness]: thats a dumb question
[want to get married]: meh, who knows
[want to have kids]: no
[ever want to adopt kids]: no

[cried]: yeah i was bleeding this past week so i cried like every five minutes at the lamest stuff. i even got misty eyed watching queer eye...oh my
[bought something]: today i skipped out of class and got a salad and bought deoderant and underwear.
[gotten sick]: this mornin i felt like death
[sang]: to against me
[eaten]: i had some tacedos before...oh and chips and yougert
[been kissed]: yup
[felt stupid]: 24 freaking 7
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: no
[talked to an ex]: no
[talked to someone you have a crush on]: yes
[had a serious talk]: kina

[missed someone]: yes
[hugged someone]: yes
[argued with a parent(s)]: no
[dreamt about someone you can't be with]: no
[best girl friend(s)]: mom, bean, and all my hos you know who you are!
[best guy friend(s)]: ben and james
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: james is my beeyatch
[hobbies]: reading, painting, sewing, eating
[pager/cell]: my mothers four year old cell phone so i can call her incase im getting raped/mugged/kidnapped
[are the you the center of attention or a wallflower]: neaither...wallflower most than not
[car you drive]: 88 honda accord HATCHBACK!!!
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: alone
[job]: bah. food service. dry cleaners.
[attend church]: nope
[like being around people]: sometimes, depends on the mood

[who is your role model]: i dont really have one. although right now i have been into sylvia plath
[pet peeves]: when people start to get ready to leave class and start scuffling while the teach is still talking. how nerdy.
[ever liked someone you can't be with]: FRIES!! oh the drama!
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone cause they hurt you]: probly
[cried over the opposite sex]: yes i am emoooooo
[your favorite physical appearance]: mouth
[are you happy with yourself]: no, but who is? okay maybe paris hilton
[what plans do you have for the future]: something with dead bodies
[who do you really hate]: i dunno, no one i spose
[who's your most trustworthy family member]: bean er mom[embarrassing moments]: every second of my life

First best friend: krissy edleman
First real memory of something: a light at the end of the uterus
First car: pig billy
First date: first official...lol ryan for "twirp"
First real kiss: jamesey woo
First break-up: hasnt happened
First job: drycleaners
First screen name: i think like ravenx29 lol
First self purchased album: len- steal my sunshine!
First funeral: grandpa?
First pets: did this already
First piercing/tattoo: ears at age 12
First credit card: nope
First true love: aw james
First enemy: myself
First big trip: disney world
First play/musical/performance: ........
First musician you remember hearing in your house: U2
Last cigarette: never
Last big car ride: mt rushmore
Last kiss: james
Last good cry: past week, i was on the rag
Last movie seen: fight club
Last food ate: some gardetos
Last food consumed: ???
Last phone call: james. ok how many times have i answered his name?
last crush: before james? lol, fries
Last time showered: this afternoon. i reeked
Last shoes worn: green converse
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