Cheyenne has been having a tough time in Luceti since the last draft. Although she is still not at a point in which she would say she has friends, there are people who have become important to her. Some of these people saw her during the draft. While she has not kept her identity as a monster a secret, only on the battlefield did the full implication of that identity come to light. She knows and accepts that she is a monster, but she's never had to deal with someone she cares about thinking of her as a monster. Mainly because she never cared about people before.
She also never used to care about what they thought of her.
In terms of emotions, she's begun to understand feelings such as loneliness, frustration, embarrassment, and shame. Embarrassment is one of the few emotions she has experienced that she is unable to repress, no matter how unpleasant it is to feel. Shame is one spawned from the draft that she still has no word for. She had never been ashamed of being an illusionist before.
Her only hope for the future is that she will still be allowed to live within the village, even should her reputation as a monster spread.