Well, this could be interesting. As I actually have a life and am doing something today (a party, if you must know), I can't fill out the questionaire that Malik posted up just yet. I may later, if I feel in the mood. But I decided to grab it and see what you all say.
These are the questions )
Comments 20
- Where did we meet?: Hmm... I think the first time I saw you was at Duelist Kingdom... But really... It was when all Gods started doing strange things after Battle City...
- How long have you known me?: It's been years.
- How well do you know me? Um... not all that well.
- When you first saw me what was your impression? That you... you had a lot of money...
- Would you consider me a friend? I think we could have been... but you... you were usually really mean. And saying I was poor or dirty or... or strange...
- What's are my best and worst physical features? You keep your hair looking very nice and fluffy. That's best. Worst would be the way you look at people when you... you think you're better than them. It makes you look ugly.
- What are my best and worst personality traits? Well, the worst is that you're mean a lot. And you're selfish and spoiled... But... best would be that you're artistic. You... you do make my favorite style of pants, after all... They fit really well. - What is ( ... )
That's rude, saying I should go somewhere where I couldn't talk. I'm entertaining when I speak and I have important things to say.
- If you could go anywhere and do anything with me, where and what would it be? I'd say... shopping. Maybe you can help me find other brands of clothes that fit... fit as well as yours do.
If my brand works just fine, why look for other brands?
- If you could ask me one question about anything, and I have to answer it, what would you ask? Would it really be that hard to... to say something nice about someone else?
I say nice things to people. It just depends on how a person is toward me.
- Tell me where you see me in 10 years, in ( ... )
Best - Your wand. If you catch my drift.
Worst - Uh, you're shorter than me? I dunno.
I like the first part of the response. You actually surprised me by being kind of funny there. The second part you could have put nothing. My being shorter isn't anything bad. I'm a good height.
- What are my best and worst personality traits?
Worst - You think you're still a good kisser when you drunk. And you're not. You're a great kisser when you're not drunk, don't get me wrong. But when you're drunk, you slobber. And you get in trouble.
First off, I don't get drunk. Second, my kissing is still fine.
And, well, I didn't realize you wanted me covered in frosting. I'll make sure to keep that and the whipped cream in mind. Haha, maybe one day I'll answer the door in only those items. I'd say I'd come over like that, but I don't want to hear a lecture by Mahaado.
- What celebrity do I remind you of, and why?
Aren't you kind of a celebrity anyway?Why yes, yes I am. I'm glad you ( ... )
Geez, how many times have we TRIED to do that?! It's always sounded good.
Um, I think maybe we need to talk about this.
I'm close to being human. Isn't that good enough?
That's what you say, but I bet I could handle it just fine.
No. No, you don't even want to try. That's the fastest way to flood your soul room and if you do that too fast and too high, you just might die. Like, actually die. This stuff knocks Mahaado out!!
It's not that. Just...we should probably talk about it.
You don't have to worry. I won't die, okay? I want to wait until I'm in my 20s for that anyway.
To be honest, I would like to speak with you.
...what do you want to speak about?
- If you could ask me one question about anything, and I have to answer it, what would you ask?
Why do you act in the manner that you do, even though you know you commit wrongs?
I don't see myself as committing wrong. There's nothing wrong with feeling highly of myself and letting people know. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look nice. There's nothing wrong with sleeping with people for fun becase, well, it's fun. There's nothing wrong with having money. There's nothing wrong with telling people they need to improve because most people are lazy asses and they can look a hell of a lot better.
- Where did we meet? think it was the mall
- How long have you known me? uh... years, was I supposed to keep count?
- How well do you know me? pretty damn well I'd say... physically extremely well, right?
- When you first saw me what was your impression? 'wow he's hot for someone so short'
- Would you consider me a friend? I'd like to think we're more than just friends
- What are my best and worst physical features?
best: hard choice, you try so hard to make it all good, but I'll have to say I like your mouth most of all
worst: ...I'm still not a fan of some of the clothes you wear, despite you being the head of a fashion company
- What are my best and worst personality traits?
best: most of all, you know how to make people feel good, when you choose to
worst: you still don't seem to understand how to deal with people, especially ones who don't agree with you on everything, to the point of intolerance despite practice with me
- What is a nickname you would give me? I ( ... )
I don't mind you calling me Hotstuff. You could actually call me by that nickname more often. It might actually lead to you getting to know me physically even better, if that's possible.
- If you were setting me up on a date, who would you pick for me? And what would we do on the date? ...normally I'd answer, but saying what's really on my mind might be asking for trouble from you and Kafele... guess I'm not in the joking mood I thought I was anymore
Oh c'mon, don't be so secretive Secrets. The only reason I'd cause trouble for you is if you put Mahaado's name there. Then I'd have to kick your ass, or tell my ninjas to kick your ass. ...were you going to put his name down?!?!
- What's the stupidest thing I've done? I doubt you'd appreciate knowing what I personally most wish you'd never done... so let's just pretend it's getting into a fight you can't win with Mahaado, kay?
I'd appreciate knowing.
- If you could ask me one ( ... )
No, I wasn't going to say Mahaado, I wouldn't even joke like that. I was however thinking someone other than Kafele, which he might hate me even more than he already does for.
I'd appreciate knowing.
No, I really don't think you would. Once you figure it out for yourself, and I'm sure you could if you tried, you'll agree you don't see it the way I do.
I didn't really expect this type of question. Hmmm. I'm not sure why you think I like him more. Is it because I dated him before? Is someone a little jealous? I spend more time with you, you know.Oh, what type of question were you expecting then? My mistake for thinking from the way you talk about him that he means more to you than I do. As for you spending more time with me than him, I couldn't tell. Maybe it's just that I always get my info about it ( ... )
We haven't spent much time together since he came back. I don't think I've even seen him since I got out of jail, just chatted a bit. As for the question, I guess I just didn't think you'd ask something that seemed so...serious. Or that you felt he meant more to me.
Oh. You know, I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines that, if I did get in a relationship, I would still be with you. Maybe I said that in regards to one specific person at the time, but I guess I just consider it for any relationships that could happen. And just so you know the future that involves me being in your bed, that doesn't sound so bad.
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