(no subject)

May 25, 2005 22:21

Have you ever...
smoked a cigarette?-Nope
crashed a friend's car?- Only because my friends are too smart to let me drive them.
shoplifted?- Yep. Usually stupid shit, and not for years, but yep. You crazy law abiding citizens.
called someone a bitch to their face?- As an endearment.
been in a fist fight?- ...it was more of a flailing fight. And it was less that it was a fight, and more that I attacked them and they were confused, scared, and laughing at me.
snuck out of your parent's house?- Just for practice
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back?- I'll feel you.
been arrested?- No
made out with a stranger?- Nope.
gone on a blind date?- Sort of. When I was at Tech a girl I knew randomly came and got me and told me to dress up because I needed to be some guys date to the dance without telling me who it was. Of course, I found out once it was too late to back out that I knew and hated the guy, but it started out blind.
lied to a friend?- I try not to.
had a crush on a teacher?- No. Ew.
ignored someone?- The entire damn human race
skipped school?- I tried couple times. It generally didn't work very well. Except for that time I fell asleep outside during lunch and slept through the next two hours. That was fun. Skipping school in college isn't even skipping, it's just normal.
seen someone die?- no
had a crush on someone taken?- No.
been to Canada?- Canadia! Nah. I'd like to though.
been to Mexico?- Ditto
been on a plane?- Yep. Not recently though.
thrown up because you were drunk?- Ick.
purposely set a part of myself on fire?- Just my hair.
eaten Sushi?- mmmm...not often enough. Damnit, now I want sushi.
been snowboarding/skiing?- nooo...
cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?- No.
been moshing at a concert?- ...technically yes I think? It was crowded and we were up by the stage and people were gyrating. And it was fucking loud.
been in an abusive relationship?- no
taken painkillers when you didn't need to?- Nope
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by ?- Of course
made a snow angel?- Only because books decieved me into thinking it would be fun. All it does is get your entire backside cold and soggy. Never again....l
had a tea party?- Sooooo many.
flown a kite?- ...I tried...
built a sand castle?- Not really. Sand towns yes, but not a castle.
gone puddle jumping?- Jumping in puddles!
played dress up?- all the time
jumped into a pile of leaves?- See snow angels. Only insert itchy and slimy and getting little bits of stuff stuck in your clothing.
gone sledding?- With a cardboard box! And an oil tub. Tubbing!
cheated while playing a game?- Nah. No point.
Been lonely?- yee-up
fallen asleep at work/school ?- no actually.
used a fake id?- no. I've partaken of liquor bought with one though?
watched the sun set?- While I was doing other things, I guess
felt an earthquake- no
touched a snake?- Hell yeah. I love snakes.
slept beneath the stars?- Only with a tent in the way.
been tickled?- constantly...
been misunderstood?- only when people don't listen properly. Or I fail at speaking coherently. So between the two of them, that's most of the time.
had your own garden?- Too much effort involved.
won a contest?- yeah
run a red light?- no
been suspended from school?- I got ISS for three days for staying in the library when they evacuated the school. I thought it was a fire drill, they thought it was a gas leak, it turned out to be that the pipes had burst because in the brand new school they hadn't #$%^&*ing bothered to insulate them.
been in a car accident?- no. (knock on wood.)
had braces?- nope
felt like an outcast?- nah, I'm my own in group.
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night?- mmm...yes
had deja vu?- no?
danced in the moonlight? - Yess.
hated the way you look?- yeah
pole danced ?- hahaha...no. I might just for the entertainment factor at some point.
questioned your heart?- I always mock those hearts with words on them?
played truth of dare and done/told everything asked?- nah. I always balk.
been lost?- aren't we all.
opened an umbrella in the house?- Yep! On purpose.
swam in the ocean?- no...I waded in it, but that was it.
felt like dying?- yeah
cried yourself to sleep?- Crying wakes me up.
jumped off your roof?- nah
recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers?- yesterday
done a wordsearch/crossword?- yep yep
sung karaoke?- No. And it will stay that way, unless alcohol intervenes.
paid for a meal with only coins?- I'm not sure?
done something you told yourself you wouldn't?- hahah...allll of the time
made prank phone calls?- Hehe...yeah, but they were lame. And then we called the night clerk of the hotel, and he was hella bored, so we just sat and talked to him.
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?- nope
caught a snowflake on your tongue?- yeah
danced in the rain?- Lots!
written a letter to Santa Claus?- Only when school made me. Stupid school.
been kissed under mistletoe?- no
watched the sun set with someone you care about?- No, but I watched it rise with Amy and Michelle. Sort of. We were tired and it was cold, so we gave up about half way through.
blown bubbles?- lots
looked into someone's eyes?- Be kind of hard to get through life without that?
gone to a party with drinking/drugs?- wait, there are still other kinds of parties? weird
gone rollerskating?- heh. badly, yes.
had a wish come true?- Yes.
worn pearls?- yep. I think Will and Grant should wear pearls too. Because it would amuse me.
jumped off a bridge?- yeah, but it was a foot bridge over a creek. No suicide involved, just a big splash.
screamed penis in class?- can't say I ever did
ate dog/cat food?- Nope
told a complete stranger you loved them?- no
kissed a mirror?- yeah
kissed a picture of someone?- probably
sang in the shower?- quietly. Vewwy vewwy quiet.
snored ?- I have no idea. Quite possible, considering my sinuses.
seen someone naked?- ALLLL OF THE TIME. C'mon, I live with a 4 year old.
had a dream that you married someone?- nein
glued your hand to something?- I've put glue on my hands and peeled it off.
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?- Ha ha. Nah.
worn the opposite sexes clothes?- I wore a tie? Are there any other clothes that are just guy clothes? I mean, I wear pants most of the time but they're mostly girly pants. Hehehe...creepy guy and his size 1 girly pants.
been a cheerleader?- god no.
sat on a roof top?- yay! Yes. I would live on roofs if I could. Which is bizarre considering I'm scared of heights.
screamed at the top of your lungs?- YES!
done the wave?- I think so? My grandparents took me to a rockies game once. Actually, they took me to two, because the second time my little sister really wanted to go, and she wanted me to come with her. That time was much, much better, because I brought Ender's Game with me. Baseball is the most boring sport freakin' EVER.
sang the YMCA with hand motions?- Yes, but I mess them up.
done a one-handed cartwheel?- Someday I'm going to learn to do the two handed kind.
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours in a day?- hell yeah
stayed up all night?- Does it count if I go to bed as soon as morning comes?
didn't take a shower for a week?- probably
picked and ate an apple right off the tree?- mmhmm
climbed a tree?-yep
had a tree house?- I wish
are scared to watch scary movies alone?- No, but I don't watch them unless someone else wants to anyhow.
believe in ghosts?- *shrug*
have more then 20 pairs of shoes?- *counts* No. I found 13, although there might be more hiding somewhere.
worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say?- No?
gone streaking?- no
played ding-dong-ditch?- I don't know what this is, but google does. "For those who don't know, this game is simply going house to house, ringing the door bell repeatedly and then running to hide while watching the person come to the door shaking their head, it was funniest (at the time) when you would wake someone up, and they would be sooo mad." That's a really stupid name for a fairly stupid game, and no I didn't play it. If I had, I would have gotten caught. I just have that kind of life.
played chicken?- no. I just eat 'em.
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?- Nope. I've jumped in though. (SAN ANTONIO YA SE VA)
know someone gay?- yep
been told you're hot by a complete stranger?- No. I've gotten "pretty" though, and quite frankly, it's creepy.
broken a bone?- no
been easily amused?- hell yeah
caught a butterfly?- yep
laughed so hard you cried?- yep
cried so hard you laughed?- yeah
mooned/flashed someone?- No...
had someone moon/flash you?- Well, amy did, but that's because Caley pushed her off the bench.
cheated on a test?- yah, but not for a long time.
have a Britney Spears CD?- NO NO NO NO...amy keeps playing that song with her and madonna though. It makes me cry. Evil, evil mickey mouse girl.
forgotten someone's name?- who are you again?
slept naked ?- it's the best way
spent a whole entire day reading a book?- usually it's multiple books
gone skinny dipping in a pool?- when I was 5
weighed more than 200 pounds?- no
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