So, bored one day, my friend Sotuma and I set off for Mt. Hyjal
Sotuma has an epic mount...but he rides his crappy old one when when he groups with me because he is nice like that.
This is just us from behind but I wanted to show our cool matching shields.
It's very pretty up there. We found a couple instances, which have strange force fields around them...if you try and run up to them it just bounces you back. Kind of neat.
We went to the world tree, which I was too excited by to take any good screen caps. There is a very very very deep pool under it, it took us more than a full minute to swim to the bottom (yay for Shaman!!). But at the bottim is a rock with bubbles. We think there will probably be some kind of quest to go down there. It was so cool.
Tourist shot!! the sign says "Blizzard Construction Co." lol
And, like any real vacation, I didn't take near enough "photos" lol but it was fun. I kept getting whispers from people who's friends list I am on "HOW are you on mt. hyjal?!?!" Sotuma said to tell them "totems" Bwahah. Anyway, we jumped off...and landed in fellwood. That was quite a far. It was fun.