and everything will be under a cut because it'S a darn long entry and lots of pictures ♥
first off, are you curious of where my Fiancé lives?
he lives in a place called ''pleasant lake'' it's not even a village.. they are'e perhaps 5 hours in that place they call''pleasant lake'' lol
so.. the familial house it looks like that
see the top left window? that's where I stayed all time.. it'S my love's room :3
the porch many bees there during summer whimpers of fear* I hate thee bees
and that .. thing XD never been inside the shed.. *shrug* the car and truck are dead vehicles.. the green one is the one in which we rolled to cedar point and died there.. I think we had the one we are in right now when we crossed the country.. aint sure..
the street my loves lives in XD
*hears wind flow* .. ahem..
car dices, :3.. I finally gave them to him XD I had them for like.. years XD I won them at arcadia 2005 XD
the corner of the street.. hehe XD this makes be think of those human cages they had in medieval times.. only now it'S for corn.. but every time we passes buy.. I make comment on it XD so basically I had to take a pictures.. littles stuff like that amuses me ¬¬;;
so now you saw the place
now the village the closest to his house is about a 15mins drive.. and it'S called.. Ashley.... the town of the smiley face
wanna know why?
hahaha..haa.. XD
now the main street of the village (which has like, 5-6 street total XD)
makes me think of the far west village lol
tumbleweeds passes by*
their ''SAQ'' discount lol.. look a bit ghetto you know.. makes me think of the store we ran by.. which amused me but I didn'T have my camera.. there's a store in the nearby town with is called ''supplies and stuff". lazy people who can't even finish the name of their own shop lol
and I thought we were exaggerating with our church every few streets lol XD beware you're entering in a religious area XD
okay.. enough for the lemme take you inside.. inside our little room &heart;
there'es missie cat.. she aint got a name but I luff her..she'S so affectionate.. I luuurrvvee cats.. but can'T have any my father forbids it -.-
there'es the table of doom.. all our stuff is on that table,.. food, computer.. games.. drinks.. paper.. everything lol XD
did I ever told you we are both me and Doug , gamers?
so gamers that we are the same.. without even knowing it.. I realised later.. the same position!
see seeeee??
closeup on meeeee
I offered him FF12 for x-mas here's a shot
and he got me a watch and a necklace.. tho the locket is soo tiny you can barely see it >.<
but I love it soo much <3
here's some kitty love ♥
some romance pictures ♥♥♥
so sexah
we aint naked I swear @_@;
burning passion
;_; I didn'T wanna leave
at the airport.. sexy posing.. sexy thought
blue style
rawr ;)
now I said I would take pictures from the plane.. and I did lol
land... so far underneath me.. mwuahahHAHAHAH
even more sunset like X3
tried to take a picture of cities.. but my camera sucks in the dark >.<;;;
oh well.. .. I kinda didn'T wanted to get back home v_v
plus yesterday was one of the worst day of my cold (today included) so my ear blocked on the way down and darn was it painful ;_;
and yesterday night.. first night back home.. I stole a shirt of my love.. and like a baby I smelled it and cried ;_;
I will miss him so darn much v_v
and I got through a complete toilet paper roll in 1 day... DARN YOU COLLLDD! *shake first*
I am on buckleys now.. GOSH does it taste awful T_T
I need more Kleenex's