I done the story in mah head of the part wwhere she's in heaven
now I started the part in mah head where Fait is on middle place -earth
description thingny for thoses who wants to know :
the womman who cought faith Is Named :Queen Elizabeth Bathrony Of Babylon
she'S the queen sitting at the highest level of the babylonn tower.. but also dind'T that namesound a bell to you?
why itS' a derived name of Elizabeth bathory the blood queen. yep too that sotry and mixed it with the babylon tower muwhahahhah
did you actually THINK that I would just like that. simply do a story WITHOUT pirates? you crazy, now shoo.. for thoses who didn'T tought so, well congrats! I would never EVER pass off the opportuity of drawign bloody pirates *luffs luffs*
well it's a bid sinbad=ish.. cz.. well ther'Es a bit of that too :3
speaking of pirates. IWANNA THE DAMM DVD! but I'll have to wait ;_; damm you christma!
well tha'Ts about all I'm going to say on histuzen!
cuz.. I dun wanan spoil you.. and more force you with a sword on a plank to go by the book in a few years XD
stay tuned! DNc is next! :O
(what DNc? what the hell is that?)