Title: Hidden in the World of Dawn
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Rating: G for this part
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters and I am not making any money.
Word count: 1800ish
Summary: A new case takes Steve and Danny to a place like no other they’ve been to. And for Steve? That’s saying something. Danny, on the other hand, is happy for a whole ‘nother reason.
NOTE: I live in the middle of nowhere Missouri and am originally from Michigan. I have never been to Hawaii. If I get something wrong, forgive me...please. As for all the police jargon and all that fun stuff...just putting my classes (and my dad who is a cop and likes to help with my stories) to good use. Hopefully I got that right as well.
Chapter: One
Steve watched in amusement as Danny paced his office, his hand flying around emphasizing whatever it was that he was saying to the person on the other end of the phone. Steve knew the caller was Rachel. He would have known it was her by the look on Danny’s face, even if he hadn’t heard the theme song from Psycho blare echoingly from his partner’s office twice in one minute.
After working with the man for all these months, he (like Danny could with him, much to Steve’s annoyance) could read Danny fairly well and when Rachel called it was usually about a change in plans with Grace. This tended to put a mostly constipated look on the Jersey natives face during the call and throw him into a pissy mood for the rest of the day.
As he watched, Danny’s gesticulating got wilder as he paced the front of his desk. Danny’s hand flew over the glass top and knocked over the small plant that had been sitting on the corner. A plant that Kono had given him. The one that he wasn’t allowed to touch under fear of an ass kicking.
Steve laughed as Danny’s face went from moderately constipated to horrified. To his amusement, Danny tucked the cell phone between his head and shoulder and carefully put the plant back where it belonged. He swept the dirt up and was about to put the loose soil back into the pot, when he yelled at Rachel using both his voice…and his hand. The dirt flew everywhere and Steve had a feeling there was a litany of curses flowing out of Danny’s mouth. He wouldn’t have been surprised if Danny managed to get a few out at him either for some reason or another.
Steve turned back to his computer and saved the report he had been working on before heading over to Danny’s office. He arrived a few seconds too late. Danny’s cell phone sailed past Steve’s head causing him to jump slightly due to how close the phone had been, “Remember that hothead partner conversation we had a while back?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at the phone that was now lying in two pieces next to Chin’s office door.
“Shut up,” Danny said, pointing at Steve as he looked around at the fine layer of soil now littering his office, “And find me a vacuum before Kono gets back.”
Steve smirked, “What, no please?”
Danny looked at Steve with death written in his eyes. It was obvious that if Steve continued along the line of bantering they often enjoyed, Danny was going to deck him. Again.
“Don’t. Just don’t.”
Steve frowned, but held up his hands in surrender, “Vacuum. Got it.”
Steve found a vacuum easily enough, thanks to a supply closet that was just outside HQ doors. He vacuumed the office while Danny dusted off his desk, chair, and the stuff sitting on his desk. Steve went to put the vacuum away when his phone rang. He shook his head and leaned the vacuum against the wall before fishing his phone out of his pocket. Steve glanced at the caller ID and then frowned as he hit answer and then loud speaker, “Governor.”
He had turned at the same time and went back into Danny’s office. His partner sat up straight when he heard Steve acknowledge the caller. He frowned at Steve. The look on his face suggested that Danny was thinking the same thing he was. Why was the governor calling instead of Ms. Hills? “Commander, Detective. I have a case that I need you on. There was a murder at the Ozinuka Center for International Astronomy on Mauna Kea. It is not only out of Hilo’s jurisdiction, but it is also an international co-op. The twelve observatories near there are all run by various different countries and most of them use OCIA as a base. You are the best option I have to solving this case quickly and without legal international hassles.”
“Hilo? Mauna Kea?” Danny asked, more as a side to Steve so he jerked in surprise when it was the Governor that answered him.
“On the big island. Hilo is where you will be stationed while there. My assistant has gotten you a room at the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort. Be grateful for it. Hilo is having a convention this week and rooms on the island are scarce,” She paused for a moment, “The case file is on its way over along with the plane tickets. Doctor Rampart will be waiting for you at OCIA and will act as a liaison and guide while you are there. Be careful, please, and do not start any international disasters.”
Danny looked up at Steve, “She was aiming that at you,” he said, once Jameson was no longer on the line.
Steve shrugged and slipped his phone into his pocket, “Probably,” he looked over his shoulder when he heard a chair being moved in the bullpen, “Tawny is here.”
“I hate that guy. He’s creepy. You go deal with him,” Danny said as he all but pushed Steve out of his office.
Steve groaned to himself in frustration. Not over dealing with Tawny, who was a little on the creepy side, but the fact that Danny’s fingers were clenching into his shoulder blades as he pushed. On most days, he was able to push away the attraction he felt for his partner. He figured if the man had been married and had a kid with the ex, there was no way he wasn’t anything but straight.
Unfortunately, his heart (and dick, which Steve knew had a mind of its own most times and did what it wanted) wouldn’t listen. Any kind of contact with his partner, anything from a brush of the shoulders to a full out hand pressed against him somewhere on his body, had his chest fluttering like it belonged to a teenage girl.
He shook himself and walked across the bullpen, “Tawny.”
Tawny looked at him, “McGarrett,” he held up the files, “Case notes, what little there are and two tickets to Hilo.”
Steve took the case file and tickets packet, “Only two?”
Tawny shrugged, “Planes are full up because of the convention. All the Governor could swing were two. Later McGarrett.” Tawny was gone as fast as he had arrived, and Steve had to wonder if that was part of what added to the weirdness of the man. For an assistant to the Governor, the man had very little people skills, no matter if he was good at his job.
He went back to Danny’s office, handing over the case file with a scowl when Danny made a gimme motion with his hands, “Impatient.”
The Jersey native ignored him and flipped open the file before whistling lowly, “I see why they are calling this a murder with no police to back it up.”
Steve raised an eyebrow, “Why?”
Danny flipped one of the photos out of the file and turned it so Steve could see. Steve echoed Danny’s whistle. The person, male from what little showed in the grainy black and white photo, had a chest riddled with bullets and a large chunk of the stomach was missing, “That’s gross. I feel a little sorry for all those people up there that aren’t able to deal with that.”
Danny frowned at him, “Only a little? Those people up there are astronomers. The only time they see this kind of gore is in slasher films.”
“All right, I feel very sorry for them, okay? You are making me wish I could take Kono or Chin with me,” Steve muttered, snatching the whole file out of Danny’s hands.
As soon as Danny’s hands were free, they settled on his hips and Steve began mentally slamming his head into a wall. He so set himself up for what was coming, “Why don’t you? Why are you automatically assuming I’ll go? Maybe I have plans with Grace,” He paused, “And why only two of us?”
“One,” Steve held up a finger, “Chin doesn’t like going up to Mauna kea. Two, no you don’t and three? Chin would kick my ass if I even thought about taking Kono and the Governor could only swing two tickets.”
That last item seemed to take the wind out of Danny’s sails. Chin was still, after all these months, highly protective of Kono despite the fact that she could take care of herself, “Yeah, he would. How do you know I don’t have plans? Wait, why doesn’t Chin like Mauna Kea?” The thought of Chin not liking to go somewhere on his native islands wouldn’t quite mesh with what Danny knew of the man.
Steve had to laugh. Danny actually sounded worried, “It’s too far from the water for him. It’s like if he’s not within twenty minutes of a beach he has a panic attack,” Steve frowned at the same time as Danny, “Yeah, okay, bad analogy. As for Grace, it’s Wednesday. It’s kind of a known fact around here that when you do have her, it’s Friday through Sunday.”
Danny shook his head, “Whatever, you don’t have to tell me. Next time, think up a better excuse. I’m gunna go pack.”
Steve sighed, “It’s not for me to tell, okay?”
“Why the hell didn’t you just say that in the first place instead of making up some lame excuse? Too far from the water my ass. Now, according to the tickets, our flight is in two hours. We still have to pack and tell Chin and Kono because something is telling me we won’t solve this in a day,” Danny said, waving the tickets at Steve.
“I’ll tell them,” he pulled out his cell phone and placed the call. While he was talking to Chin, he reached out and snagged Danny’s ever present pad of paper and a pen. He jotted down a quick list of essentials they would need while up on the mountain before handing it over to Danny.
Danny scanned the list, his eyebrows rising fractionally higher at each item. He kept silent until Steve hung up the phone, “My winter jacket? Seriously?”
“You do have one, don’t you?” Steve asked.
“Yeah…back in Jersey. Seriously Steve, why would I need a winter jacket in Hawaii?”
“Looks like we’re going to have to go shopping when we get to Hilo,” Steve scrubbed his face, “Don’t forget sunscreen. I’ll be there to get you in half an hour.”
Danny smacked Steve’s shoulder with the tickets, “That does not answer my question.”
“It gets cold up there, Danny. It wouldn’t be too much of a problem if it was summer, but it’s December.”
Danny stared at him for a moment before rolling his eyes, “Right. Mountain, winter, cold. Got it. I’ll see you in half an hour.”
Steve watched Danny leave and sighed. If he didn’t like the man so much, he’d strangle him.
Chapter 2