...o_o; So macros are considered graphics now? XD How full of win! :D ...In fact, this whole idea is just... awesome! I may disagree with you about the public having a good sense of humor (this is probably just because my sense of humor is a bit left of center, but...), but I definitely agree with the awesomeness of macros in general, and the biblical lack of Big Bang macros! =D
Er... sorry if you answered this, and I somehow missed it, but do the macros have to be new? Or can we submit stuff we've made previously? 8D? I will totally submit either way, but! Yes!
ALSO! Have you thought about advertising at kpop_macros? :D There will be much rejoicing? :D
This is... long. ANYWAY. Awesome idea! I'll try to submit some stuff later! ♥
You can submit old stuff if you would like, and no, it's not over! It kinda got lost! I need to do some readvertising stuff. =\
But yeah..... if I had anything worthy of being posted on kpop_macros, I'd totally advertise, but unfortunatly, I FAILZ at macros. So maybe. ^^;;; WE SHALL SEE.
IDEK. <3 It would be awesome if you would submit stuff~!
YAY! Cuhs that would be the second time I've done that... in a very short period of time. XD *fail*
:D THEN MEBBE I SHALL ADVERTISE FOR YOU. But seriously, that 'sinkin ur ships' macro pwns. TOTALLY MORE THAN WORTHY OF kpop_macros.(Tch... as if half the stuff posted there is even funny anyway. D: I mean, even I post there. And my humor is like... not.)
:D SO YAH. I SHALL. I'll see if I can make some new ones, just so I can feel special about myself.
Comments 12
I'm lovin' the gorilla one. :'D
I may or may not join depending on how the hamsters up in the black hole of nothingness feel =)
Yours are like, super cute. x'DDD
...o_o; So macros are considered graphics now? XD How full of win! :D ...In fact, this whole idea is just... awesome! I may disagree with you about the public having a good sense of humor (this is probably just because my sense of humor is a bit left of center, but...), but I definitely agree with the awesomeness of macros in general, and the biblical lack of Big Bang macros! =D
Er... sorry if you answered this, and I somehow missed it, but do the macros have to be new? Or can we submit stuff we've made previously? 8D? I will totally submit either way, but! Yes!
ALSO! Have you thought about advertising at kpop_macros? :D There will be much rejoicing? :D
This is... long. ANYWAY. Awesome idea! I'll try to submit some stuff later! ♥
But yeah..... if I had anything worthy of being posted on kpop_macros, I'd totally advertise, but unfortunatly, I FAILZ at macros. So maybe. ^^;;; WE SHALL SEE.
IDEK. <3 It would be awesome if you would submit stuff~!
:D THEN MEBBE I SHALL ADVERTISE FOR YOU. But seriously, that 'sinkin ur ships' macro pwns. TOTALLY MORE THAN WORTHY OF kpop_macros.(Tch... as if half the stuff posted there is even funny anyway. D: I mean, even I post there. And my humor is like... not.)
:D SO YAH. I SHALL. I'll see if I can make some new ones, just so I can feel special about myself.
but yeah. ^^ I can't wait to see your stuff!
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