My first ABC

Mar 09, 2007 18:18

A couple of years ago I made an ABC gift for Casa Rosa,
a meeting place for all kind of gay, 'bi' or 'het' people.

here's a link

It's in Dutch and here's the translation:
A: Adam and Adam
B: blushing
C: Casa Rosa
D: daring
E: Eve and Eve
F: foert = 'I don't care' sort of word (I don't know the translation)
G: smile
H: hi
I: info
J: boys
K: closet
L: spring
M: girls
N: neat?
O: everywhere
P: present
Q: queer
R: rainbow
S: vocal cords
T: tea
U: out
V: freedom
W: welcome
X: x
Y: Y-front
Z: Saturday

I never know they put it online.
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