This is something I have seen before and wanted to do once my parents pass. I think a pair of earings would be perfect. Even cooler is now they can do them with hair in case your dearly departed dosent want to be cremated.
For those who care i put together an wish list. Its under this Email address. For now its all books ( maybe next I will ask for a book shelf LOL)
So I finished all the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter novels and they are KICK ASS. NOw there is some wild kinky sex in there so boy cover your virgin everys. The good news is they are only a coupl of dollars on and well worth it if you ask me. I intend to purchase the series
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...Pealse go click on this site. It dosent cost a thing but it helps fund mammograms for women can not afford them theirselves. My gretgranmother and grandmother who died of breast cance So I do everything in my power to help , because someday i might need the help.
I am a rabid devour of reading material..mostly fiction but I can plow through some non fiction too if it intests me. So I reccomend a few new authors I have gotten in to. BTW if you dont like supernatural creatures...write these off
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