Title: Life Imitating Art Imitating Life?
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo (with a tiny hint of Andrew/Jesse).
Disclaimer: Fiction, fiction fiction. The fictional characters based on the real people played by the real people are fictional, as is my depiction of the real people who played the fictional characters who were based on the real people.
Notes: First
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Comments 10
No. Why would you ask? You know I didn’t actually invent facebook, right?
That line actually made me laugh out loud. Brilliant! :)
lovelovelove it. It was fun to read and the feeling from such short emails was surprisingly strong, so very good job!
I can't words.
''No. Your name was mentioned in the article.''
THIS! I don't know why, but it was so powerful.
''… Dustin drank one of the beers. But the other one’s still sitting here, waiting for you. It’s getting lonely. Sad, pathetic bottle of beer. Won’t you come put it out of its misery?''
I'm usually more coherent than this, I swear.
Can't believe Mark took Andrew's ruminations as an actual how-to-guide! And it worked!
Eduardo resisted for a while, but as soon as that box showed up, it was only a matter of time for him. Mark made an effort, and I think that's all Eduardo was waiting for all along.
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