Two good days

Oct 12, 2004 15:30

Yesterday and today have been really good days.
Yesterday stuff kept happening to me out of nowhere that was really lucky. Like after I came back from classes and was finally able to wash my hair, Kristina comes into the bathroom while I'm drying it and asks if I want to go to Safeway with her. I said I needed to deposit a check, she said that was fine, so we went and even though BofA was closed (F-in Columbus Day), Kristina showed me how to deposit into the ATM. Neatness. I bought some stuff at Safeway (toothpaste, more meds, etc.) then we came back. The night before, Matt P. had called and I'd gotten his address, so I wrote him a letter and was leaving to mail it when I passed Ari's door. She was just leaving too, so I asked where she was off to. She said the post office! I hitched a ride with her and when I was like "I wish I could drive," she said "I'll teach you!" We're going out to practice tomorrow after dinner. ^_^ And I was also happy because I did my Government homework like a good girl and read my stuff for Humanities. Like I said, good day.
Today was a good day because I felt good. Like, mouthing the words to "Shook me all night long" by AC/DC in the shower good. Strutting instead of walking just 'cause you can good. The kind of good that comes from a sunny day and the knowledge that things are going your way, but nothing really particular is happening to make your mood go so up.
I mean, nothing BAD happened today, but nothing great happened either. Well, English class wasn't held today because we were suppossed to set up individual "conferences" with Professor Heckathorn, and I never did (I was sick and didn't go to English class at all last week), so I don't have English class today! Or Thursday either, I think. But I should be resposible and call her and set up a meeting for Thursday. I overheard some of my classmates talking about it and you're suppossed to bring all your written work to the conference so she can re-read it (or something), and the trouble is I haven't done one major essay and a response paper, so I have to make them up. v.v I'm not too worried.
Oh, *laughs* something funny happened today too. As Humanities ended Professor Brodd said "Here are some diagrams from your book you should look over for the quiz on Thursday" and read off a list of pages. I had already put away my notebook and had to leave, so I whipped out a pen and wrote the numbers on the back of my hand. After rushing to Government, I put my head down on the desk to rest for a SPLIT SECOND. It wasn't until after I'd gotten back to my dorm (after class AND after going to lunch) that I realized in that instant of resting, I had put my head on the back of my hand and the ink page numbers had imprinted themselves on my forehead. XD!!! I had wondered why I kept catching people looking at me as I ate... And the really stupid thing is, I kept thinking "Why are they looking at me? Do I look really good today or something?" I don't know if that says more about my ego or my confidence, but I still find it funny.
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