i have constructed a list of things i think it would be cool to be, just for like a day or three
(amanda this is partially for you, and partially because i don't feel like studying anymore)
28 things i think it would be cool to be, and in no particular order...
(1) Alexander the Great, because obviously he was pretty great
(2) a bench at a bus stop
(3) a pirate
(4) irish, with the accent
(5) Jennifer Lopez's ass
(6) a rose petal (on a black rose)
(7) a bird that sits on power lines
(8) a $50 million yacht
(9) black
(10) an electron
(11) "The O.C." (yeah, like the whole show because then everyone and their third cousin would love me and i could just rock out and be cool like that)
(12) the Pacific Ocean
(13) the North Pole
(14) Queen Elizabeth (she's like the goddamn energizer bunny)
(15) a 3-toed sloth, or a 2-toed sloth... no, actually just the 3-toed one
(16) ninchucks (spelling?)
(17) Matt Damon's shower
(18) a raindrop
(19) a secret agent/super spy so i could put my stealth skills to good use
(20) Barbie (not because the bitch HAS everything, mostly because she IS everything)
(21) a raincloud
(22) Gonzo
(23) the streaker at the UCSB men's soccer game last Saturday
(24) a grue, in my glorious cloak of DOOM (!)
(25) a Nobel prize winner
(26) a crayon (any color)
(27) a pro croquet player
(28) wouldn't you like to know?