I've actually submitted the two certs currently on my page for redemption this week, but I should be getting another B cert for leveling up that I can redeem next week for two cards to trade for that Cheezburgr 07.
I also got a prize posting today that included a Broom 20 - if you'd be interested in trading that for the Loyal 07 let me know and I can select that for you.
Dolls if far enough down my priority list that I don't want to ask you to hold it at this time.
Sure, I'll take the Broom20 for the Loyal07 :3. As for the Cheezburgr07, I can wait until you can redeem me something... Hmm, if you don't mind, I'd like a Exsphere01 and Exsphere03? Thanks in advance :3.
I'd be thrilled if you want to hold that Cheezeburgr 01 you'll be getting. It may take me a little wile to get cards for it. Priority is Exphere and Kendama?
Question: Where do Ougi and Traitor fall in your list of priorities? I've got one of each in my trade pile and was wondering if either would work as payment or partial payment for the Cheezburgr 01 you're holding or if you'd rather wait until next week when I should be able to get cards of your choice for cert redemption.
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I've actually submitted the two certs currently on my page for redemption this week, but I should be getting another B cert for leveling up that I can redeem next week for two cards to trade for that Cheezburgr 07.
I also got a prize posting today that included a Broom 20 - if you'd be interested in trading that for the Loyal 07 let me know and I can select that for you.
Dolls if far enough down my priority list that I don't want to ask you to hold it at this time.
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Anyway, I'll hold it for you then :3.
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I agree, the intentional misspelling Cheezburgr is difficult to type.
If I don't come across the two cards you're missing from Exsphere and Kendama, Broom is the highest priority future deck?
Back! Ooh, an Ougi05~ I'll take it for the Cheezburgr01 ;3~
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Ougi 05 for Cheezburgr 01!
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