Title: Our Lifestyle - My Teacher (part three)
Length: Short chaptered fic (3/5)
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Kink: Mainly BDSM and everything that comes along with it. :D
A/N: so, RAH'S EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVERRRR. <33 i understand the utter sense of freedom you feel now my darling, cause dont forget, i've just been through that about a half year before. :
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Comments 34
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i know, i wrote bukkake cause you love it. :D and spanking too. :DD
well, every couple has to go through disagreements and quarrels sometime or other. :D the key word here is ALMOST. :DD
i know right. :D hot lines ftw. <3
hothothothothot. :D
only word to describe this. ):
I'm not a jaechun fan but I read this 'cause you wrote it!
amazing. <3
oohah. :D JAECHUN IS LOVE. <3 they're soulmates. :D haha, thankyou. <3
glad you liked it. :D
thankyou dear! yeah, i know, i prefer yoosu too. :D or junchun, whichever way you look at it. :D but jaechun rocks so much sometimes it's hard not to write about them. :D thankyou, it's nice when someone praises my writing. :DD
oh, i will! <3
kyaaaaaaaaaaah~~~~ please write LC-YunJae-smuff >///////////<
I miss it quite well, Mel bb :3
LC yunjae smuff is coming up soooon, my dear. :D it's in chapter 10. i think. :D sigh, what is with me and my yunjae muse. it left me a few months back and hasnt returned. >.<
Anyway, YEAH!!!!!! Lc YunJae-smuff >///////////////////////< I can hardly wait for the next chap. :D
Aaaaaw~~ poor Mel bb~ *hugs you for comfort* I'm sure this horny muse is just getting some ideas by watching real YunJae-action xDDDDD
It will be back again ^____^
I love how you can feel the loving fluff(not overdone, but there all the same) right at the end between the two of them.
I just read all the other chapters before, figured I'd comment on this one, not that this is all that comprehensive or coherent. lol LOVE~
thankyou! :D i'm a fluffy, mushy kinda person (and greasy too, if you want to look at it that way), so fluff after smut is kinda expected. most of the time. :D the reason why this series has fluff after each smut is cause i'd like to portray the somewhat complicated relationship of bdsm; like not only do they play hard, they also love hard. :D so yeah. :D
alrighty, thankyou! <3 i'm so glad you liked it. <3
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