thanks to benco, i've just remastered most of the mdo material... mostly for the better
gotta figure out set list
i've got...
New Groove (intro-esque song... probably will be intro)
Priceless Stone (I got really high and people like it)
Chicken Puffs [(Has wordss :o if I can remember them) Blood Brothers meets Electronica}]
Dreadlocks in my Eyes (Short Pop-Synth song with more Blood Brothers stuff)
Cuban Ice Cream in the Sky (Short and closer to Neon Blonde, flint of emo in it)
Rap Pants (Rap song...)
Upgrade to Normality (Used lyrics that I wrote after having listened to a lot of Vheissu and having read Angels & Demons... good i think)
In the Pleasure Zone (uses the Something Sorta Dirty lyrics... kind soft compared to rest)
Reality Ash Tray (don't really like so much anymore... doubt i'll play)
Dracula at the Rave (sounds of vampires and various other monsters... scary and upbeat)
Falling Masses FL version (like the original we wrote, less funk and more dance)
Its a Secret (doubtful if I'll use it... sounds of GameBoyCore + a bit of Postal Service?)
Falling Masses Orig (would be very weird to sing over an already recorded voice... doubtful towards use)
[4:00 + Reggae Improv]
TV Temperature (going to play, not sure if going to remake or just do it the old way with keyboard + keytar)
Angry Face (if I'm up to it, the beggigning part is quite difficult)
Epiphany in a Song (soft... sorta emo into post-hard core fit... Jordans voice is recorded into the track, might be weird)
Chillacity (new song, will play, low key synth + guitar into pop frenzy remeniscent of Necronauts...)
Happy Birthday (someone's gotta have a b'day soon... i'll sing it for roger :])
Let Me Infect Your Dreams (really dancy electronica... not sure what to do live though :/)
Its Gone Astray (Just solo guitar... May take the time on Friday to make something for it though)
Kindle (assuming Jordan's playing with me)
Blues Bass Buster (just pt. 2 of it... cause I know that part sounds good)
22 Songs
About 59min2sec
Holy Fuck, where did that all come from?
Obviously not playing it all, but I definately have enough material.
New Groove
Dreadlocks in my Eyes
Dracula at the Rave
Cuban Ice Cream In The Sky
Its Gone Astray
Rap Pants
Chicken Puffs
Falling Masses [FLxCore]
Priceless Stone
T.V. Temperature
In The Pleasure Zone
Ugprade to Normality
Angry Face >:-|
Let Me Infect Your Dreams
Happy Birthday (Roger)
Good 40 minutes or so. Harder to tell with the live material.
I'm going up to cave creek in a bit and back in the morning or night, depends on whats shakin.
I just put all of those tracks on a tape for me to listen/sing to in the car :/ I need to memorize lyrics.