May the odds be ever in your favour!

Mar 29, 2011 11:55

Name: Sara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Stamp preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Both
[ ] Best fit

Describe your personality: I am an ESFJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging). I'm a caring person and I often put too much pressure on myself to make sure that everyone is happy. I'm a bit controlling (not to go so far as to call myself a control freak, though) and like organizing things. When everything is neat and orderly, I'm quite happy. I really enjoy being around people, but I won't tell a lot of things to just anyone. I don't exactly wear my heart on my sleeve, though I'm expressive with my emotions. To get to the root of why I feel a certain way, a person will have to dig a little. I have some trouble making big decisions (this is why I'm freaking out about my life after high school) and am a definite home-body, though I like a bit of adventure now and again.
What kind of person would you project yourself to be for the games? Probably similar to what Peeta did. Not the whole love-sick thing, but just keep a civil front and leave everyone guessing about what I will actually do in the arena. With an easily approachable front, that may gain me a few allies too.
Positive traits: Intelligent, loyal, warm, good listener, protective, feisty, ambitious, competitive.
Negative traits: Sarcastic, distant, has a temper, sensitive, competitive, a pack-rat, kind of insecure.
Likes: spring, Heroes, playing with my dog, soccer, hockey, reading, baking, the ocean, singing, the colour yellow, Canada, The Big Bang Theory, The Barenaked Ladies, movie soundtracks, indie music, pajamas.
Dislikes: Loud chewing noises, obnoxious people, continually cranky, pessimistic people, having too much to do, dark, cold mornings, olives.
Best quality: Two stick out the most: my cheerful nature and my realistic attitude. I do my best to make things enjoyable for myself and others by keeping the mood in things upbeat. I love to joke around with my friends and though some may not understand our jokes, it helps keep my spirits up. My realistic attitude helps to keep me grounded, though. I don't get carried away easily and can usually see both sides of an issue clearly.
Worst quality: My self-consciousness and irritability. Being self-conscious sometimes gets in the way of things I want to do and I often need a lot of assurance that what I'm doing is alright. As for being irritable...things get on my nerves? Little things that really shouldn't bother me do.
What do you value most?: My relationships with those I love. They are what keep me going through life; they are my support system, the ones that I laugh with and they know me best.

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimism.
Reserved or Outgoing: Outgoing.
Trusting or Cynical: Trusting, unless given reason to be cynical.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious, but I can be impulsive now and again.
Adventurous or Homey: Homey, though adventure now and again is good too.
Stoic or Openly Emotional: Right in the middle. I show my emotions, but I usually won't openly discuss them.
Selfish or Selfless: Selfish.
Leader or Follower: Leader, though I can follow.
Calm or Temperamental: Calm for the most part.

A close friend/relative of yours has been selected for the Hunger Games! How would you react? Fear. I would worry incessantly. If I was impulsive that day, I might take their place, if I thought they might not make it out of the arena.
You find a fugitive from another District on your territory. What would you do? Well, it depends on what they are like. If they seem trustworthy, I might try to form an alliance with them. If they are dangerous, I would avoid them as much as possible.
How willing would you be to kill if you were in the Games? What if it was your best friend? I would be strongly against it. I believe that all people have a right to life and for that to be taken away so thoughtlessly in a sick game - it's not fair. Although, if someone was an immediate threat to me, though this sounds cold, I would probably try to kill them, mostly out of instinct and fear. If it was my best friend, I would do my very best to protect them. I couldn't imagine the pain of murdering someone so close to me.
It's your first day in The Hunger Games and everyone is gathered at the Cornucopia. You spot your weapon of choice right out in the open, but you know there's going to be a bloodbath. What do you do? I would probably try to get the weapon. Not very smart, but if it's something I will need without fail, I would probably want to get it.
What would your weapon of choice be? Um, I'm not too sure. Something that is easily re-loadable with lots of ammunition. Maybe a bow and arrow? If I knew how to use it, haha.
A fellow tribute has approached you asking for friendship, what would be your first reaction? I would probably be quite wary, but end up accepting them.
You're hiding up a tree when you spot the Career Pack coming and they're below you, although they seem to not notice you yet. What would you do? Climb higher and figure out some sort of attack if they ended up noticing me.
You're starting to get thirsty and you suspect that there won't be another water source up ahead. You have no choice but to head back to the first lake you're spotted. Would you risk being spotted by other tributes to go back? I would go back to the lake if I had no other choice - I definitely don't want to get dehydrated.
Your stomach has been empty for quite some time now and you're starting to feel tired from the lack of food. You spot some berries nearby but they look foreign to you. What do you do? Not eat the berries. If I'm not sure what they are, I won't eat them. Unless I see something else eating them, then I would probably be alright with it.
You've won the games! What do you think led you to your victory? Most likely a combination of luck, a good ally and cautiousness.
What's the most important thing for you when you're in the Games? Survival and seeing my loved ones again.

Have you read The Hunger Games? If so, did you enjoy it? Yes, I just finished Mockingjay. I enjoyed them very much!
What was your favorite part? Really, most of the first book and the Quarter Quell. Also, the characters are very well written. The personalities of all the characters are just so distinct that I really came to love them. 
Who was your LEAST favorite character? President Coin and President Snow, both for obvious reasons.
Anyone you prefer not to get? (Please limit this to 2 characters and give valid reasons why you're not like them) Effie Trinket, as I feel I'm a lot more intuitive than she is and President Coin, as I'm not as ruthless as she is.
Anything else? Nope. Thanks for voting!

[X] I've voted on all unstamped applications!
(You have to vote on all unstamped applications in order to get stamped)

VOTERS: List of character options are all here. All characters are options.

regular: finnick, regular: johanna

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