may the odds be ever in your favour!

Apr 01, 2012 20:49

Name: Tasmin
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Stamp preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Both
[x] Best fit

Describe your personality:
I come across as quite stuck-up until you get to know me, to strangers I can seem prickly and abrupt, I think. But around my friends (and when I have a drink in me) I become very extroverted - I love to argue, but I can get offended if someone disagrees with something I believe very strongly in and to that end I can be quite judgemental, at times.
What kind of person would you project yourself to be for the games?
Physically I’m not that big, so I’d have to go in either as the underdog, which I don’t think ever really works, or make myself larger than life. I couldn’t get by on brute force alone, and I’d have to show sponsors that I have that something extra.
Positive traits:
Loyal, intelligent, intuitive.
Negative traits:
Impulsive, stubborn, proud.
Travelling, reading, horse-riding, walking.
Ignorance, cruelty, PDA.
Best quality:
I’m very determined, when I want to be.
Worst quality:
I find it difficult to admit defeat.
What do you value most?:
My family and friends.

Optimistic or Pessimistic:
I usually err on the side of optimism.
Reserved or Outgoing:
Reserved until you get to know me. Around friend’s I’m the loudest person in the room.
Trusting or Cynical:
Impulsive or Cautious:
Impulsive. I have a tendency to do before I think.
Adventurous or Homey:
Stoic or Openly Emotional:
Selfish or Selfless:
Selfish, unfortunately.
Leader or Follower:
I tend to find myself leading, but more by accident than design.
Calm or Temperamental:

A close friend/relative of yours has been selected for the Hunger Games! How would you react?
I’d be heartbroken. Knowing me, I’d probably rashly volunteer to take their place, especially if they were younger/weaker than me.
You find a fugitive from another District on your territory. What would you do?
I’d find out why they’re a fugitive, then make a judgement from there. It would depend on the circumstances under which I found them.
How willing would you be to kill if you were in the Games? What if it was your best friend?
If I could detach myself from the fact that I’m killing a person, I think I could do it. I could never kill my best friend, though the arena must change you, so you never know.
It's your first day in The Hunger Games and everyone is gathered at the Cornucopia. You spot your weapon of choice right out in the open, but you know there's going to be a bloodbath. What do you do?
If it’s close enough to grab, take it. Otherwise just take what I can get and run.
What would your weapon of choice be?
This is a hard one. I’m an OK shot, but I’ve never heard of anyone using a gun in the arena and I’m quite small so a full-sized rifle wouldn’t be practical anyway, so it would depend what I was best at in training.
A fellow tribute has approached you asking for friendship, what would be your first reaction?
It would depend on the tribute and my first impressions of them, I suppose I’d be more inclined if they were either an underdog or a 6 foot 5 brute, I suppose.
You're hiding up a tree when you spot the Career Pack coming and they're below you, although they seem to not notice you yet. What would you do?
Stay very, very still.
You're starting to get thirsty and you suspect that there won't be another water source up ahead. You have no choice but to head back to the first lake you're spotted. Would you risk being spotted by other tributes to go back?
If I was thinking rationally, yes. Though dehydration messes with your head.
Your stomach has been empty for quite some time now and you're starting to feel tired from the lack of food. You spot some berries nearby but they look foreign to you. What do you do?
I grew up in the countryside, and was always taught to NEVER EVER EVER eat something if you weren’t 100% sure what it was. I stand by that advice.
You've won the games! What do you think led you to your victory?
Luck and bad judgement on the part of the other tributes.
What's the most important thing for you when you're in the Games?
The people waiting for me at home.

Have you read The Hunger Games? If so, did you enjoy it?
YES. I burned though all of them over a 48 hour period after Mockingjay came out. I’d held off ‘til then because I’m awful at waiting (Harry Potter was AGONY).
What was your favorite part?
Basically all of Catching Fire? I loved the scenes before the Quarter Quell began when we met Haymitch’s friends, and all the exchanges between Katniss and Haymitch throughout the series get my vote.
Who was your LEAST favorite character?
I was never a huge fan of Coin - though I find her interesting and I’m exciting to see how the films’ more objective approach will change my opinion.
Anyone you prefer not to get? (Please limit this to 2 characters and give valid reasons why you're not like them)
Anything else?

[X] I've voted on all unstamped applications!
(You have to vote on all unstamped applications in order to get stamped)

VOTERS: List of character options are all here. All characters are options.

regular: katniss

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