May the odds be ever in your favour.

May 21, 2012 04:36

Name: Roax
Age: 20
Gender: F
Stamp preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Both
[x] Best fit

Describe your personality: Describing myself always makes me feel uncomfortable but... Well, as far as personality types go I am an INTJ, a mix of The Analytical & The Independent Thinker, Type 1, and a Scorpio. I am someone very distant, secretive, serious and introverted. A quiet loner but I have also heard people saying I have strong opinions, however I voice my opinions usually only when it's needed or I discuss something. I am also not the type who will force my own opinions onto you because even if i don't agree with you, i most of them time will respect your opinion, especially if you're my friend even if i know i am right. I am rather anti-social and i dislike talking about myself most of the time, so yes, i keep to myself most of the time. I am quite cynical and I don't trust people most of the time. Thanks to being a cynic, i have a cold outlook on a lot of things which makes people describe me as such but there are also those who say i have a somewhat strong sense of justice. As for myself, I think my views are simply very rational and i myself aren't as cold as people think, just not too emotional and someone who follows her brains rather than her heart. I'm also pretty critical, logical, easily annoyed, honest, stubborn, rational, loyal, practical, firm, reliable. I am someone who is quite collected and calm most of the time but my friends often like to remind me of my berserk button. It's easy to annoy me, but it's hard to make me angry (unless you really annoy me by default, lol) but once you do... Even though, i am not reckless nor impulsive. I am cautious about most of the things. What I say, what I do, how I do it etc. I almost always think twice before saying anything to make sure I don't make someone feel uncomfortable or not to hurt them/make them upset, unless that's my intention which it often is if you anger or bash me. I am bad with words when it comes to certain matters (especially feelings) so i often tend to say harsh and unfortunately it's not on impusle. I have been told I am good with arguments if i want to, not to be bold (though that's nothing to be proud about anyways) but it's also pretty easy for me to manipulate others... I guess you could describe me as a bit manipulative. Lastly, I am somewhat apathetic about most thing things but I can be quite passionate if i really care about something. I don't get too attached to people usually but if i really care about someone, they become very important to me and I'd always put them before myself even if I don't show it.
What kind of person would you project yourself to be for the games? That's a tough one. I definitely wouldn't be able to just ~be myself~ because I look confident and capable. People often tell me I look intimidating... I believe it would make the other tributes notice me and probably view as a threat, even if that could earn me some sponsors. I simply don't want to make any enemies, I believe the games are going to be hard enough without having people run after you, and being ignored in the arena can be only a bliss. While I have a few ideas, it would all depend on who my opponents were. Once I see them, I'd get an idea of what they are like and then I can think of a fitting tactics, taking into account they might be putting up a different front, as well.
Positive traits: Independent, helpful to friends, strong-willed, honest, understanding, logical, thoughtful, cunning, somewhat determined, patient, reliable, rational, realistic, collected, mature, good listener, observant.
Negative traits: Analytical, introverted, mischievious/devious, perfectionist, private, sarcastic, smartass when annoyed, curious but not overly so, cautious, proud, easily annoyed, rather stubborn but not overly so, serious, short-tempered, anti-social, calm with a berserk button. Recently I have been told I sometimes can get too strict when people are not disciplined.
Likes: Some things, I don't really feel the need of listing likes as you knowing I like rainy weather or coke won't really matter.
Dislikes: Mostly I dislike overly selfish, stupid, idiotic, fake, ignorant, shallow, annoying, clingy, way too talkative people. Also posers... and those who accuse others of something while they should look at themselves first. Well, pretty much all the nonsense people can come up with. Don't get me wrong, i am a pretty understanding person but when it comes to people acting different just to be seen as cooler or whatever, my understanding drops to 0. I also tend get very easily irritated when someone is far too impulsive and doesn't think before doing pretty much everything. I also dislike insects quite a lot, heights, not tasty food, when you push me into doing something I don't want to do, talk down on me, attack me for no reason etc.
Best quality: I'm not sure... probably the fact that I am a rational, realistic and logical thinker? While sometimes depending on your emotions is better, I tend to follow my brains rather than emotions and I like it this way.
Worst quality: I could think of a few things, honestly. My first thought was my pride. Secondly, I am a perfectionist, a perfectionist to the point where I can't give it my all when I know I can't do it the exact way I want to. It can discourage me and make me much less confident, as well as make me more likely to procrastinate but I try. I do know more than well that you have to try a few times before you get what you want but...
What do you value most?: I'm not sure as I think answering this question would take me some time. There are quite a few things I value but to pick something I value enough to put here... Maybe intelligence and knowledge?

Optimistic or Pessimistic: A realist with pessimistic tendencies.
Reserved or Outgoing: Reserved.
Trusting or Cynical: Cynical.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious.
Adventurous or Homey: More homey.
Stoic or Openly Emotional: Mostly Stoic.
Selfish or Selfless: In-between. With people i consider close and important, I am more selfless than selfish but with the rest, it depends on the situation and my mood.
Leader or Follower: I have a leader-type personality but I am more of a "leading from the background" type or a loner for various reasons. However, I am a terrible follower, unless it's someone I respect and trust, but that's rare. I could never just blindly follow or be ordered by someone I can't stand.
Calm or Temperamental: Both, in a way. I am generally a calm person but I definitely have a temper.

A close friend/relative of yours has been selected for the Hunger Games! How would you react? I'd... probably just feel a little shocked. A little because I am a bit pessimistic when it comes to my "luck" so I would have probably expected it in one way or the other. I'd volunteer if I cared about them.
You find a fugitive from another District on your territory. What would you do? I'd probably ignore them and do my own thing. I am not going to risk my life for someone I don't know. If I could just throw my life away like this, I would have done it ages ago.
How willing would you be to kill if you were in the Games? What if it was your best friend? I would be willing enough to kill someone not to get killed by them instead. I wouldn't be running around looking for a prey just to kill as many as possible but if there is someone near me and I have a chance, I'd most likely go for it, making sure no one else is around beforehand. I have no time for regrets in the arena. As for my best friend, I wouldn't kill them unless they had no hesitations with killing me, I guess. I'd be willing to sacrifice myself in the games if it was my best friend since believe me, I wouldn't call just anyone a best friend. However, if they were okay with killing me with no second thought then I am not going to end up as a fool. That would mean I was wrong with calling this person my best friend and that would mean I shouldn't hold back. Not when my life is on the line.
It's your first day in The Hunger Games and everyone is gathered at the Cornucopia. You spot your weapon of choice right out in the open, but you know there's going to be a bloodbath. What do you do? I'd pass. Even if I thought i might have a chance, I am not risking anything this early. I would try to look around for any weapon that would mean avoiding the bloodbath (though i doubt anyone would be stupid enough not to go for such weapon...) since having any weapon would make me feel more confident but if this can't be helped, I'd just back down and depend even more on my brains and speed.
What would your weapon of choice be? I don't really have preferences as long as I would know how to wield it? I think swords and knives would fit me most (though I wonder if swords would be comfortable in the arena) but I would try to manage with anything. It's survival we're talking about.
A fellow tribute has approached you asking for friendship, what would be your first reaction? "Sorry, I just don't play well with others." Jokes aside but I really don't, so...
You're hiding up a tree when you spot the Career Pack coming and they're below you, although they seem to not notice you yet. What would you do? Wait. Quietly and patiently. There is no real way out so my only hope is that they won't notice me. I mean one wrong move or idea and it might be the end.
You're starting to get thirsty and you suspect that there won't be another water source up ahead. You have no choice but to head back to the first lake you're spotted. Would you risk being spotted by other tributes to go back? Depends on how desperate I am. Let's consider I am not desperate enough not to give it a second thought. I'm cautious so I would prefer not to risk it. Besides, me suspecting isn't the same as me knowing there won't be any water and I would hate myself if I risked it without being sure. I would probably try to search some more instead and if I won't find anything, I would tell my sponsors to get me some drink or I am going to hang myself. I am sure they do not want that. Of course, if all of this fails me I would go back even if the level of my dehydration was impossible to stand. I have to show those sponsors I don't need to be dependent on them , after all and proving people wrong is one of my favourite things so I am not giving up.
Your stomach has been empty for quite some time now and you're starting to feel tired from the lack of food. You spot some berries nearby but they look foreign to you. What do you do? Never. Even if I hadn't read the book, I would never eat some random berries. In fact, I would never eat anything that looks foreign to me. Some berries are not going to fill me but make me more hungry so it would be pointless anyways.
You've won the games! What do you think led you to your victory? My rational thinking/brains and determination. I would hate if I died in this very place where people would treat my death as an entertainment. That's not my style.
What's the most important thing for you when you're in the Games? To survive and to play by my own rules, not Capital's. Though I don't really mean it in idealistic way.

Have you read The Hunger Games? If so, did you enjoy it? Yes, all 3 and they were quite enjoyable.
What was your favorite part? As weird as it sounds, I actually really enjoyed the ending of Mockingjay after the rebellion but not the very end. Also the Quarter Quell arena moments were very interesting.
Who was your LEAST favorite character? Snow.
Anyone you prefer not to get? (Please limit this to 2 characters and give valid reasons why you're not like them) Well, I would honestly prefer if you could avoid Katniss unless no one else fits?
Anything else? Thank you for voting.

[x] I've voted on all unstamped applications!
(You have to vote on all unstamped applications in order to get stamped)

VOTERS: List of character options are all here. All characters are options.

regular: gale

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