All thanks to
this wonderful site. This will be edited continuously to make changes, and add details and ideas.
Late December: "In Excelsis Deo" starts on the 23rd and goes to the 24th. Preparation for the Bartlet administration's first Christmas in the White House. Josh and Sam go to Laurie's on the night of the 23rd and then are yelled at by Leo the next morning.
Possible posts:
- Josh and Donna discussing her Christmas list, and him throwing it away because he's mean like that (video)
- Josh and Sam visiting Laurie; cut to Leo lecturing them (video)
Early January: "Lord John Marbury".
Late January: "He Shall From Time To Time".
Early February: "Take Out The Trash Day".
Early February: "Take This Sabbath Day".
Mid-February: "Celestial Navigation". The timeline of this episode is a little wonky because it utilizes a lot of flashbacks. Josh is relating most of the events (which took place a day or two before) to a group of college students while Sam and Toby are on the way to get Mendoza out of jail. He talks to them periodically on his cell.
Possible posts:
- C.J.'s root canal drama and Josh's press briefing (video)
- Josh talking to the kids a day or so after
Late February: "20 Hours In L.A.".
Early March: "The White House Pro-Am".
Late March: "Six Meetings Before Lunch".
Mid-April: "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet". The White House prepares for Easter, which fell on April 23rd in 2000.
Mid-April: "Mandatory Minimums".
Early May: "Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics".
Late May: "What Kind Of Day Has It Been". Shots are fired at the president and his staff as they leave the town hall meeting in Rosslyn through Freedom Park. Josh is hit and critically injured.
Late May: "In The Shadow Of Two Gunmen, Parts 1 & 2". Josh is still not out of the woods.
Early June to early November: "The Midterms". This episode takes place over the course of several months. Josh is out of the woods recovering at home, having made almost a complete recovery by the end of the episode. Presumably he goes back to work soon after this.
August 14th: Episode start.
September 5th: ~12 minutes into the episode.
October 20th: ~18 minutes into the episode.
November 7th: ~27 minutes into the episode.
Mid-November: "In This White House".
Mid-November: "And It's Surely To Their Credit".
Mid-November: "The Lame Duck Congress".
Mid-November: "The Portland Trip".
Late November: "Shibboleth". Thanksgiving fell on November 23rd that year, and so this episode runs from the 19th to the 23rd.
Late November: "Galileo".
December: "Noël". This episode runs from the 3rd to the 24th.