•When playing in a large thread, please keep in mind that many players are in different time zones, or may have work or school; be sure not to leave anyone behind.
•Canon parallels are awesome.
•It is perfectly allowed, often encouraged, to utilize fuzzy time and the like in character histories, although this doesn't exempt a potential player from being thorough; the reason for this is that, as an AU game, it's realistic for characters to have known one another much longer than the time frame given during actual play. In this way, if someone new joins and wants to have a history with your character, it can be added in with minor retcon.
•Whenever possible, try to avoid using the names of characters that are not your own in your application, unless you have worked something out with another player/applicant before writing it. This is simply to assure that no characters get shoehorned into playing a certain way before they've even been applied for. Use descriptive language(i.e. "her sister," "his teacher") and the like instead.
•While players are encouraged to progress at their own pace, we do ask that you put both a date and a time in your post header, and try to keep up-to-date with the movement of the game. Time is unregulated in
europa_rising, and we mods are trusting our players to be intelligent about helping us make sure things move smoothly.