
Apr 04, 2006 23:18

i cracked the code on my super duper stressful difficult couple of months, life, you slippery little fucker ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

white_fox_lv April 5 2006, 15:22:01 UTC

UVic has a lot of poets anyway


modcoresuprstar April 7 2006, 18:59:23 UTC
i applied to the social work program, but yeah, there are alot of poets in victoria. luckily it means i wind up doing pretty well there though, because i've got the "out of town" thing going for me.


v3g4n April 7 2006, 07:40:00 UTC
Sounds like you've been through a lot, and tried really hard. I wish you lots of good things in the next while.


modcoresuprstar April 7 2006, 19:01:06 UTC
thank you! i am trying hard, and will continue to do so. congratulations on having your application received etc. i knew it would make it! :)


liliyuki April 10 2006, 06:18:25 UTC
I think you have been doing a lot of important steps to your life and I am so proud of you. You and Evin are family and remember we are here anytime..calls, supper, relaxing times whatever!


liliyuki April 11 2006, 03:33:14 UTC
hmm ok http://www.aptrentals.net/rentalvan.htm this is the link to the line of apartments owned by my apt. guys. It's not exactly what you are looking for but I mean there are cats in the building despite the no cat policy..and so how will they know.. I don't know if you wanna check it out.

I've been keeping my eye out for you two but it's been a ridiculous rental market lately!!


modcoresuprstar April 11 2006, 19:29:33 UTC
thank you!! awesomely enough, we found a place this sunday, it was a bitch, but we did it. it was just enough of a hassle that it was rewarding to finally have a home. it's on parker st, how cute is that?? :)


liliyuki April 12 2006, 02:48:52 UTC
awww YAY!!


liliyuki April 11 2006, 03:53:23 UTC
oh and I don't know if you and Ev would be interested in co-ops but it's a pretty good way to be part of a tiny community..most are pet welcoming and strive on diversity..theres usually a share purchase involved (fee that entitles you to vote on co-op collective decisions) but you get it back when you move out (like a damage deposit) Any hoo=



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