The question of exactly how to credit seems to be a pretty common one, so this is a brief tutorial on just that: a keyword credit how-to.
Step 1:
When saving icons, it's best to save them with the maker's username in some way. If you save a lot of icons from various people/communities, you'll quickly forget who made the icon. For example, if you want an icon from me (
____banana) i've found that the easiest way to do it is to create an "icon" folder in your 'My Documents' folder and save them there. so it would be C:\My Documents\icons\____banana-whatever.png
Step 2:
Now that you have the icon saved, it's time to upload it to your LJ userpics. I think everyone knows how to do that, so we'll just move on to the next step. ;)
Step 3:
Ah, the elusive art of keywording. This is where people tend to become confused, and it is the heart of this tutorial.
At this point, you should be on a page (
And that's all there is to giving icon credit. ;)