don't take english lessons from jet

Sep 20, 2009 14:48

Title: Don't Take English Lessons from Jet
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jet/Zuko
Genre: Crack
Bending: none

Notes: oh god, I wrote crack. For the modern_day project.

Sypnosis: Don't take English lessons from Jet. A lesson to be learned.

don’t take english lessons from jet
a lesson to be learned.

"Do you have any idea how stupid we sound? We can't even pronounce simple English. People laugh at us, Zuko." Jet slaps a hand down on the table to emphasize his words. Zuko swears he saw the fork jump at the least half a centimeter from the surface. "How threatening can I get when I can't say the- the rrr- the el sound? We need to work on this issue, Zuko."

"I think it's kind of cute," Zuko ventures, shrinking back into the chair at Jet's glare. He's known for a long time that they make complete fools out of themselves when it comes to speaking another language, and the look on Jet's face only confirms it.

"Yeah, I don't think so. We are going to practice on our el sounds. We are going to practice until our tongues drop off from exhaustion."

"...Um. How are we going to do that?" Zuko speaks up timidly. He's seen this expression before. He's seen it on several occasions, in fact, and all lead to disaster. But practicing their English couldn't end up badly, right? Of course it couldn't. Zuko lets himself relax a little.

"By saying stuff. You know, words. So we can practice. Rrrrr-lllll." Jet's eyebrows come down as an arced squiggly line above his eyes. "Wow, that was hard."

"Maybe we don't need to. I mean, it's only normal for us, as Asians-"

"Zuko. You sound like a retard. We both sound like retards. Don't you want to learn proper English? Don't you want to have a conversation with an English-speaking person without them mocking you for your accent?"

"I- I guess," Zuko says, his own brow wrinkling in concentration, teeth worrying at his bottom lip. "Uh, okay. Rrrl- errrr- errrll-"

"Zuko. This isn't going to work." Zuko looks up at him with a question on his face. Jet strokes his chin. "How about- say I r- dammit, I love you."

"What? No! I don't want to say that." Zuko pushes his chair back. "Okay, this is ridiculous. Just forget it."

"You are not getting up from this seat until we can say it without sounding moronic. We are going to practice."

"I don't want to say it!" Zuko flushes at the thought of saying- saying that. "It's stupid. This whole thing is stupid."

"Oh, quit being a baby. Repeat after me. I love you."

"....I. I rr-ove you."

"No, it's I love you."

"I rrrrrooove you. Damn it!"

Jet smirks. "I. Love. You."

"Okay. I love you."

"I. Love. You."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you. Hey, this works!"

"Told you so. I love you."

"I love you."

They repeat the words, back and forth, over and over until Jet is satisfied, and precisely at that moment Sokka chooses to pass by the kitchen and overhear the two practicing at the table. Sokka's eyebrows disappear somewhere over his hairline.

"Jet, holy crap. How did you get Zuko to say he loves you out loud? That's actually pretty impressive."

Jet turns to a silently gaping and wide-eyed Zuko with a smirk on his face, that bastard. "I have my ways."

"..Jet, you- you stupid- you stupid fuck!"

"I love you too, baby."

pairing: jet/zuko, slash

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