Discedo Notes

May 16, 2020 14:52

Mar. 28.
Arrival in Discedo
Posted on network

Spoke to Rebecca
was concerned over the presence of an unaccompanied child
expressed belief in monsters

Spoke to Bernkastel
repeatedly referred to fragments of reality
disliked policeman
believed that this 'fragment' only brought in important people
believed the situation was part of a game
believed that time did not move outside of the 'fragment'

Spoke to Satoko
believed in 'monsters'
referred to being kidnapped by the scientists
claimed that everyone had been taken from different places

Spoke to Chane
insisted that there was no law enforcement
advised a child to get a weapon and shelter
believed wild creatures come out at might
believed this is a different world

Spoke to Sai
believed the scientists brought people to fix and repopulate the city
at one time the scientists came into the city and spoke with the victims
individual scientists have disappeared
was present in the city for three years

Spoke to Kresnik
no law enforcement in city
leader of a volunteer Watch
Discedo disorganized with no formal government
claimed people don't commit crimes

Spoke to Nai
Child, with sharper than normal hearing
mentioned a primary school
did not know what a detective was
did not know who Sherlock Holmes is

Mar. 31
Posted asking for information about the scientists

Spoke to Marco
victims just wake up with no memory of how they arrived
believes scientists return people from the dead
scientists sometimes bring presents
said he'd met people from his past and future
claimed Discedo followed the 'law of the wild'
supports vigilantism

Spoke to Denmark
believes himself to be the country of Denmark
does not consider himself to be human
offered to let me shoot him as proof of this
claimed he can't go home until city is repaired
believes people were taken to rebuild Discedo. Both physically and as a society
mentioned multiple murders
claimed they went unsolved because people don't care

Spoke to Robin
has spoken to a scientist
claimed they were nice because they occasionally give gifts or help

Spoke to Amu
received copy of text file

Spoke to Beatrice
believed the situation is a game
blames the kidnappings on magic

Apr. 1
Woke up in strange alternate reality, with strangers claiming to be parents. Played along, and met Luke, Robin, and Nai in the elementary school. Majority of citizens of alternate Discedo knew nothing about the other Discedo. Spoke with Amu, Kresnik, Marco, and Ange.

April 7
Posted from library concerning strange propaganda and slants in publicly available histories.

A girl named Rika posted that the only way to return to the other Discedo was death and strongly implied hat she expected all those who remembered the other Discedo to suicide. There was a disturbing amount of support for the idea, and strong implications that murder would be considered for the people who refused.

I have no memory of any of the events that followed. After announcing my objections, the next thing I remember is waking up in the hydroelectric plany with a number of other people. There was a bandage on my arm, implying that a blood sample had been taken.

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