my left sleeve, some legs, feet, etc..

May 14, 2009 22:46

done by trevor shaw at mystic tattoo, chicago

done by trevor shaw for my mom last christmas :)

done by steve sims at mystic tattoo. he's the apprentice yet becoming one of my favorite artists!!

done by steve sims at mystic tattoo, chicago for my dear friend sal sedgwick who passed away last october..and the snowflakes are for all of the shelter animals/foster animals i've lost in the last few years of working with an animal ours we called them 'snowflakes' rather than 'dead dog or cat" more session and it's done! a little more blue around some snowflakes and a bit more on his face!

shortly after the outline was done. by shaun "big red" in reddington beach, fl..

my feets. 'the ramones' across my toes was my first tattoo at 17! later added the anchor and rocky horror lips..there's also some shitty music notes that i'll eventually have fixed but that shit was HORRIBLE pain so I hold off as much as I can..
all done by nick sharratt at mystic tattoo. actually, my toes were done in my old apartments' dining room!

chicago flag by nick sharratt, kitty by a crackhead named mokie in virginia. no shit, fastest tattoo i've ever gotten! you can guess why!

only photo i have of my record tattoo, featuring my little sister! it's on my shoulder..done by rex in bradenton, fl.

for my great grandmother who passed in 2007. done by richard dean in chicago.

The following are random shots of my sleeve...the roses are for my cats and my sister, i just got paw prints added in the hearts of the ones for my cats. the jetboy one is for my dog. the panther and stones tongue just got fixed up majorly as well. all but the panther and kitty done by nick sharratt at mystic tattoo, chicago. as you can tell, it's my go-to shop! love them all dearly.

I also have another sleeve that I will post photos of when I can get some photos! and various other tattoos on my back, chest, stomach, boobz, hands, neck, and legs.

sailor jerry, memorial, peacock, roses, panther, cat, snowflakes

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