The Dead Zone is a 1983 science fiction-thriller film based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. Directed by David Cronenberg, the film stars Christopher Walken, Tom Skerritt, Martin Sheen, Herbert Lom, Brooke Adams, Anthony Zerbe and Colleen Dewhurst. The plot revolves around a schoolteacher, Johnny Smith (Walken), who awakens from a coma to find he has psychic powers.
WRONG! The Dead Zone is a TV show on the USA network starring Anthony Michael Hall (most famously known for portrayal of the emotionally unstable nerd in the John Hughes masterpiece The Breakfast Club, and most recently noted for his portrayal as reporter Mike Engel in The Dark Knight). Your description of the plot is dead on, but I don't know where this fantasy cast came from. Maybe you're thinking of Sleepy Hollow.
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But what Dead Zone iya?
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