Apr 14, 2008 17:02

H P ! C A N O N A P P L I E D I N - G A M E


You may notice in sortinghat_rp there are classes that don't exist like they do in canon. We accept a wide range of classes that players can think up as long as they make sense and can be applied to the wizarding world.

Professor characters are usually open for application. If there are too many, then the applications for them will be closed until the mods feel that there is space for more. Classes that are canonly available (such as Herbology or Potions) and aren't occupied in the game can be brought up with a moderator even if the application for professors is closed for the time.

We also accept teaching-assistants to classes and more than one professor per subject, since subjects can be split up via grade and house, but like the professors, if teachers are not being accepted then neither are TAs. Occupied TA spots can be seen here. We will allow a maximum of four teachers and/or TAs per subject. Up to two teachers and two TAs is the set up for a full capacity.


School is school! sortinghat_rp utilizes Hogwarts to its full potential as everything school-related is as close to canon as possible. Taking place 5 days a week, school is in session Monday through Friday. The start of the fall term is September 1st and ends December 19th. Students are allowed to go home for the holidays or stay at the school. Spring term starts January 12th and ends May 31st with exams taking place from May 31st to June 6th. The results are given between June 7th and June 13th with the leaving feast on June 16th and the official heading-home on June 17th.

Professors may or may not stay during the summer and come before school starts during the spring and fall terms. Students are expected to arrive on time to each term on the stated days. Teachers and Professors, as well as their assistants run each class the way they wish to ICly, but they're expected to make homework posts. Otherwise, there is no set way for a teacher-character to run their class. There is expected work in and outside the classroom and, like all schools, exams and tests. Schoolwork has the option of being posted here.

This gives an idea of the school schedule: Thanks to bananajai for writing this up!

7:30AM - 8:45AM: Day begins; breakfast; mail arrival
9AM - 9:45AM: First class
10AM - 10:45AM: Second class
11:00 - 11:45: Third Class
Noon - 12:45PM: Lunch break
1PM - 1:45PM: Fourth Class
2:00PM - 2:45PM: Fifth class
3:00PM - 3:45: Afternoon Tea
4:00PM - 4:45PM: Sixth Class
5PM: Dinner
After Dinner - 9PM: Free time (1-5 years)
After Dinner - 10PM: Free time (6-7 years)

-There are 15 minute breaks in between each class for walking to the next.
-Prefects are allowed to be out until 10:30PM for Prefect rounds.
-Astronomy class is every Wednesday at Midnight.


1.) All characters, student, teacher, or otherwise, have to follow Hogwarts canon rules. There are a multitude of places to look for more of them, the places displayed listed on the FAQ being among a few. If you have any questions relating to canon, contact a mod before you act! That's what we're here for.

2.) JOURNALS: Most interaction is journal based at this rp and journals are used to comment to others. Logs are considered supplementary, so while they are completely fine to do, plain old commenting is fun too! The last word of your HP!Canon section should be Clover. Plot isn't the only way to interact with other characters, and commenting can often lead to new plot. Don't just comment and log with the same people constantly or new players will feel left out! And that's bad. :<


1.) Students shouldn't be in the other house's dorm barring extenuating circumstances. Not everyone wants people from different houses in their dorm; people are sorted for a reason! There are certain circumstances, but by and large, students need to stay in their own dorms and common rooms. This is a detentionable offense.

2.) If you sneak out after hours, there's a high chance that you WILL get caught. Don't think you'll get away with it completely; Filch and Mrs. Norris make it their business to find students after hours and professors are around as well. If we see an excess of this, the mods will crack down on it.

3.) No torture or maiming or constantly putting people in the hospital wing. Remember that they are magic STUDENTS and most serious injury or supa ninja skillz and fighting are beyond their capabilities, especially for the younger years. Your characters are not Voldemort and there are better ways to have serious plot than breaking all the HP canon rules in one sitting. If all you can think of is fighting, let the mods know! It sounds like a good time for a group plot! Depending on the circumstances, if the mods see a character use a weapon against another character, the mods have the right to choose what will happen to said character. Please contact a mod here before doing any plot where a weapon is used on a student.


1.) You can give and take house points do not overuse the privilege. Please be realistic when taking away things, and setting detentions, even when being IC. If you have any problems, or want to give or take more than allotted, talk to a Mod about it and we can make sure things are handled accordingly.

2.) Professors, you are not limited to your classes! Have some fun, interact with students and other professors. Do not think because you teach a class that is all you have to do. This doesn't mean completely forgoing your responsibilities as a teacher though, as they are more than just adults that inhabit Hogwarts.

3.) You are authority, but once again, relax. There are times when teachers do need to step in though if something is getting serious, even if another mun is running a plot. Please do remember that you want your students to be safe, no matter how deranged you might be in personality. Keep an eye on your pupils, it's your job after all.

Hogsmeade Trips

Like canon, there are Hogsmeade trips a few weekends a year for all students, third year and up, with a signed permission form. The Hogsmeade trips are strictly day trips and overnight stays are not allowed for students. Teachers are free to go on their days off and may occasionally spend the night if they feel like it. Sneaking out to Hogsmeade is difficult and not something that can be easily accomplished. If your character by chance manages to do it, they should not go openly flaunting it around because In Character Action = In Character Consequence, and they will be ICly punished.


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