Those who have risen among the common people to attain a measure of wealth and respect to their name. They live close to the palace, constantly trying to find a way to rise even higher among the social ladder.
Nobles (Currently unlimited unless one is deemed needed)
Kim Jonghyun
Kim(Park) Gyuri
The common folk that work the mills and do what they can to scrap by. They are heavily taxed and look upon the nobles and royal family with envy and hatred whenever they show their faces around them. If your muse is a civilian, please state if they have a certain trade like a blacksmith or a fisherman.
Civilians (Currently unlimited unless one is deemed needed)
The peacekeepers. They keep a close eye on the civilians to make sure they are behaving. If whispers of treason enter their ears they will arrest whoever they please. Many believe that the royal family is paying extra to the police to make them act aggressive amongst the people. The prisons are close to overflowing and it won't be long before executions are a daily thing.
The sad folk who have fallen on hard times and can't seem to pick themselves back up. Civilians look with pity on them but do little to try and help. Typically they are those who were pegged as traitors and are shunned by society. Anyone caught helping them may find themselves in similar status.
Peasants/Beggers (Currently unlimited)
These are the people who have fallen on hard times but are trying to figure out a way to make ends meet. Whether its selling their body or cutting a purse for something to eat for the night, they work mostly in the dark in the red light distract of the town.
Entertainers/Thieves/Prostitutes: (Currently unlimited)
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