The form provided below can be used as a rough outline but your application must include no less than what has been stated in it. Do not post your application here but to your journal or to an outside source (tumblr, scribbld, etc) and provide a link to it below in the comments. If your application is rejected you will be sent a personal PM with the reason behind its rejection and given another chance to revise it and resubmit it. If you are resubmitting it, send it as a reply to the rejection comment. Do not repost it. Make sure the application is public so that not only us mods, but your fellow players will be able to read it as well.
OOC Information
Muse Name:
Aim SN:
IC Information
Muse Name:
Social Status: (Royalty, Nobility, Commoner)
Background: (Tell us about their past and any affiliations they may have now. Doesn't have to be a novel but needs to be indepth enough to get a good idea for your muse.)
Personality: (Tell us about their personality. What makes them tick, what they like and dislike.)
Facts: (Must be no less than five)
OOC Information
Muse Name:Band/Solo/Occupation:Journal:Aim SN: IC Information
Muse Name:Age:Social Status: (Royalty, Nobility, Commoner)
Background: (Tell us about their past and any affiliations they may have now. Doesn't have to be a novel but needs to be indepth enough to get a good idea for your muse.)
Personality: (Tell us about their personality. What makes them tick, what they like and dislike.)
Facts: (Must be no less than five)