
Aug 06, 2010 22:54

Chime in to let us know how we’re doing, what’s working and what needs more work, suggestions for things you’d like to see in the community, etc. If you have any questions about the community let us know, and we’ll get back with you.

If you have questions about HTML or posting to LJ, please consult the LJ FAQ or the community user guides for help.

All comments will be screened for the sake of privacy but be rest assured everything will be taken into consideration and all questions will be answered.

As a reminder:
Your EST mods are: domluver and mod_tinyskirt
Your CST mod is: jlneveloff

You can also contact us individually as follows:
domluver: Private Message
jlneveloff: Private Message
mod_tinyskirt: Private Message


The Spock/Uhura Staff: domluver, jlneveloff, and mod_tinyskirt

subject links, page-a-mod, public posts

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