Rules of Play for Waking Pandora

Jun 04, 2009 12:03

After joining all characters are expected to comment that they have read these rules. If you have more than one character, use one journal and comment with a list of all characters you play. Reading and signing the rules is not up for debate and we will not accept "I didn't read them" as an excuse for anything.

1) Godmodding always comes up as an issue in RPG. You are NOT, under any circumstances, allowed to maneuver a character that is not your own (in your posts or in your plots) without the EXPRESS permission of the player of said character. When doing a thread, sometimes moving around the other characters cannot be helped but you must ask first. Alternatively, be flexible when someone asks if they can move about your character for the purpose of the story. Sometimes it will help shape your own threads.

2) All players must start out with only basic survival gear that is stored in stasis with them. This applies to both muggles and magic folk. The lists are different for each. And you can find all information in the stasis information post, which you are expected to have read. If you have any questions, you can always email or send an instant message to one of the mods.

3) Just about everything that used to exist in the world does not exist now. Occasionally the Mods will make announcements about things that can be found, but there is no accidental discovery of libraries, clothing, alcohol, cars, guns, electricity, unless approved by us first.

4) Posting: Each character is expected to post (thread or solo) or join a thread at least once every two weeks. You are welcome to post more than that, but once every two weeks per character is the minimum. Due to timezones and the real lives of players, threads may take time to complete. Please keep this in mind, but do not let threads dangle for days. Two weeks is reasonable as that is when most posts will fall off of a flist page.

4i) Posting happens in real time and on the main game community, using the header provided. Backdating should be used sparingly. One thread for one day. You cannot put two to three days worth of action into one thread. It disrupts the threads that follow.

4ii) Placeholders can be used if you're trying to get a spot for a certain day. Please fill them in within 48 hours or you will be asked to take it down.

5) Absences: Players are expected to inform the mods by email or by a post on the author community if you are going away for any length of time. We understand the need for time off, but we need to know where people are so please don't just vanish for weeks at a time without telling us. You will be removed from the game.

6) waking_pandora is canon compliant to the last chapter of Deathly Hallows. We are not epilogue compliant or compliant to interview canon outside of the class list that JKR showed which allows us more character names. Take care using the Lexicon or the Harry Potter Wiki when figuring out your character's history. Email the mods if you have something you'd like to include in the game.

6i) In relation to book canon, we expect that characterisations be compliant to what JK Rowling has written. Your character has a seven year history that we've all commonly read. Please adhere to book characterisations. You are also expected to adhere to your character sheet once it has been approved during the application process. Characters can evolve, but drastic changes need to be run past the mods first.

7) Disagreements: If you are having problems with another player, please approach that player first and talk it out like grown ups. If you feel that you are just not getting along, PLEASE involve the mods. We will hear both sides of the arguement and do our very best to provide ample mediation between both parties. But keep in mind... this is just a game. Don't get your panties in a twist over the small shit.

8) Following along with number 7 -- Just because your characters don't get along does not mean that the other player hates you. Do not take in-character action personally.

9) Plots - Some plots need mod approval because they affect the group as a whole. They are as follows: pregnancy, long trips away from the group, structural destruction and death. If you think a plot might be interesting to more than a few players, bang out an email to the mods or post it on the author community and see who nibbles. Or contact someone directly. As mods, however, we must be kept informed of what plots are being stirred around amongst players so we can help guide the game. Please shoot us off an email with your ideas. Who knows? It might result in something more game-wide.

9i) ANY threads involving a large group of people must be announced on the author community at least a few weeks before they are to happen. This gives people a chance to prepare and doesn't catch those who preplay threads off guard.

9ii) Do not expect that everyone will email you for plot. Simply sitting there and saying "I have nothing to do email me if you want to play" is a no go. Take initiative. Contact others. Arrange your own plots. This is a must. We don't want to hear "well I'm always available if someone wants to play." Reach out to your fellow players and involve them first.

10) Dark themes such as rape/torture/murder/incest are allowed at waking_pandora, but must have the consent of all players involved and ample warnings will need to be placed on the headers of your threads so that those who do not wish to read them can avoid them.

11) Slash/Pairings/Sex: Slash is not forbidden in this game, but it is not something welcomed readily due to the premise of the game. The goal of the game is to survive and repopulate and an influx of gay/bi characters would not achieve this goal. Come to us with your slash questions before introducing it to the game. As for pairings, take a bit of time to develop your relationships. Know that hopping into bed with someone might not lead to true love. Then again it might. The game is expected to be plot heavy. Sex threads are all well and fun (and in a survival game expected to be numourous), but they should not take priority over plot threads. Meaning, don't ignore one player for another because you're getting ship in one thread and none in the other.

12) Character journals belong to the game. If you choose to leave or are asked to leave, they must be turned back over to the mods.

13) Your mods are fairly easy going people. We're here to guide the game, but recognise that once a decision is made by us and we say that it is final, then it is final and non-negotiable. Do not challenge us on every decision we make or ever verdict we render. If we don't reply to you as quickly as you'd like. Be patient. We have lives too

Along that same vein, occasionally we will throw out ideas and invite discussion. But once we've decided what we're going to do after reading everyone's input, that's it.

And please. If you've asked us a question and we say "we'll look into it" and you don't hear from us, please send us a reminder email. Sometimes, just sometimes, we actually forget. It happens. We're human.

14) Finally: The mods reserve the right to modify the above mentioned rules at any time.

mod post

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