circle circle square exx triangle triangle square exx boss enemy defeated.
next game. dating sim.
yes. no. maybe. thank you. so sweet.
manga. shoujo. tell me what to do.
[ooc: Strikes Deleted
... Sooo this might need a little explanation xD
Genre switch day (
this happened. Yes, I fail for not posting this sooner afterwards. I'm sorry. Dx
Being a fifteen-year-old girl who desperately wants her first everything to be totally ideal, she has no idea how to react to this. Because she is also a fifteen-year-old girl who has a thing for doujinshi, and she's not exactly prudish, just.. idealistic. So she doesn't know whether to feel violated, content, angry that it was a curse and she didn't get the chance to do it on her own, etc. And so, she resorts to videogames and shoujo manga, to calm her and tell her what to do. |D ♥
She'll probably continue to be holed up in her room until she finds her current predicament in a shoujo and finally decides what to do. 8D