saturday, feburary 2

Feb 02, 2008 16:16

[ There don't seem to be any side-effects to Sadaharu's latest concoction. I thought it would be foolish to test the drink on ourselves, which has thankfully led to order and peace. On the downside, I haven't been able to gather any data on the other test subjects since we didn't plant the drink in various vending machines around camp. Sadaharu and I can't communicate normally, but the others function as though nothing had happened. We've both sworn to talk non-stop, today, in an effort to prevent further collection of data and to be sure that everyone would know that I made the drink.

I made the drink.

I made the drink.


Mm. This entry is private, isn't it? It's supposed to be public.

I feel jubilant. I can even select the appropriate mood from the drop box. And this is the icon I definitely would want to use with this post.

Oh dear, I'd better write this in LJ; if I put it in my private notes, everyone would read it.

Sadaharu, we don't have anything to talk about.

[ooc; strike ("public" cut) deleted, the post was ultimately filtered to Inui.]
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