Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie.
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns.
A/N - During English as a Second Language. This chapters sad, it was sad to write and sad to read again. The next ones kinda sad too, but I'll make up for it at the end. Anyway, since no one bothered to hear Annie out...
Annie went to the study room later on in the day to apologize to everyone. She'd thought about what Jeff had said and had decided he was right, it was time for her to grow up. She didn't want to be a crazy teenage girl forever. Especially not to him.
She'd gone to the study room earlier but saw everyone trying to explain to Britta why her pronunciation of lapiz was wrong. It looked like a rather heated argument. The only one not yelling about it was Jeff, although he still had the same frown on his face that he'd had when he was yelling at her. Annie figured he was still pretty angry, and chickened out.
This time though, when she'd gotten there everyone was sleeping. She couldn't blame them. The dean had started playing some animal that Annie didn't recognize, but sounded extremely soothing.
She walked inside and sat in the empty seat beside Jeff. She watched him snoring a little every few minutes. She tried not to giggle too loudly the first time he did it. She wanted to wake him up so she could apologize, but she didn't want to bother him. She'd seen Jeff when he was sleepy once. When he got a new apartment with neighbours in their early 20s who thought they were on Jersey Shore. At first he didn't tell anyone what was wrong. He just snapped at some one when they said something stupid. Eventually they'd gotten it out of him.
The point was, Jeff was grumpy when he was tired. And he was angry enough at her as it was. So she sat there quietly and watched him sleep. She wondered what he was dreaming about, or if he was dreaming at all. If he was dreaming of Spanish things like she usually did before Spanish tests.
"Jeff, I'm sorry" she said quietly. She knew he was sleeping so he probably wouldn't hear a word of what she said, but she wanted to talk to him anyway.
"I know what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry that it hurt you guys. It's just, I've never had real friends before. And you guys, you're my best friends. And I don't want to risk losing any of you, so if you guys hate me for loving you all so much that's fine with me."
Jeff didn't say anything, of course. She hoped he wasn't a light sleeper.
"I know you want to do whatever classes you have to do and just get out of here, so you can be a lawyer again, but what if you forget about us when you're a lawyer? I don't want to be forgotten. And especially not by you. You're cool guy Jeff." She laughed to herself.
"You're one of the only people in my life who didn't care that I was Annie Adderall. Including my parents. You gave me a chance. And, if we all drift apart, that's fine. I've drifted from people before. But I really don't want to drift from you. I don't want to lose you Jeff. You're one of my best friends. You are my best friend. You're sweet, and funny, and you know me really, really well. I've never had anyone like that before."
Annie felt a lump in her throat. Of course she would make herself cry while talking to a sleeping person.
"I'm sorry. I just never realized how much you guys all meant to me."
And now she was apologizing. They're asleep, pull yourself together! She reminded herself.
Annie took a deep breath to regain her composure.
"Anyway, you were right. It's time for me to grow up. If you guys think we can be friends next year and don't have to take Spanish then, you're probably right" She said with a determined nod. But she didn't feel that way. She wanted to cry. She wanted to wake him up and sob to him until he agreed to take Spanish next year. Instead she settled with a kiss on his temple.
"Goodbye Jeff."
Chapter 1 - AwesomeChapter 2 - MiladyChapter 3 - HomeworkChapter 4 - CrankypantsChapter 5 - Cheerleader Chapter 6 - Arm Chapter 7 - BoyfriendChapter 8 - Driving Chapter 9 - SlapChapter 10 - Janitor Chapter 11 - Virgin Chapter 12 - Present Chapter 13 - M*A*S*H Chapter 14 - Slater Chapter 15 - Pretend Chapter 16 - Comfortable Chapter 17 - Naked Chapter 18 - Feelings Chapter 19 - Distraction Chapter 20 - Sorry Chapter 21 - Bag Chapter 22 - Sitting Chapter 23 - Texting