Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie, mentions of Jeff/Britta
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: The genius that is Dan Harmon, owns everything.
A/N - Hey, remember this story? Well Community's back, which means so are my snippets! :D And omg that premiere was beyond awesome! I'm so excited about this season. Anyway, if you've read this so far, you know how this works. This chapter's for Anthropology 101. If you haven't, let me introduce you to the
Chapter Directory where you can find all previouse chapters and catch up. Most of these work as stand-alones, but you need to at least read the last chapter for this one. Anyway...Enjoy!
Annie fiddled with her hair as the group waited for Jeff to wake up. Troy was spinning Abed around on the nurse's chair. Pierce was explaining Inception to Shirley in an extremely racist way. And Britta was talking to one of her fans outside.
Annie stared at Jeff's unconscious body. She had an urge to hold his hand, but figured if he was awake he probably would've slapped it away anyway. She wasn't quite sure whether she was more angry at him or disappointed with herself. It wasn't like she was living in some crazy teenage fantasy. He did have feelings for her. He told her he did. Granted he was drunk and he'd refered to her as a piece of cake, but still. It counted...right? It had to count. Unless he was talking about some one else. He could've been talking about Britta, she dated Vaughn. What if the cake was Britta?
And Annie didn't have feelings for him. She was probably just confused. Yeah, that was it, just confusion.
Annie was confused and the cake metaphor was about Britta. Problem solved.
Or at least that's what Annie thought, until Jeff opened his eyes and she felt a hundred times more relieved. It wasn't just confusion.
"Which will be easy for me, because I think you're kind of gross now."
Yeah keep telling yourself that Edison, she thought.
"Awesome" He said. Little did she know, he was thinking the same thing she was.