Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: The genius that is Dan Harmon, owns everything.
A/N - The Psychology of Letting Go. Here's the
Chapter Directory for previous chapters. Also anyone wondering where the next chapter for There's No Tomorrow is, I won't have it up for a while now cos it's on my big computer and I can't use it at the moment. But I promise you, as soon as I go back to it, I'll upload it for all of you.
"They have towels in the changing rooms" Jeff assured Annie and Britta as he led them to the swimming pool. Followed by Troy who was trying to convince Britta that it would be good for the environment if she made out with Annie.
"They don't, I remember you put me on a story about the stolen towels, last year for the school paper" Annie protested.
"Yeah, but that stopped after we found out some one was making a towel fortress by the trash cans."
"But the dean never restocked."
"Oh really?" Jeff smirked at her when they reached the half full towel rack.
"You think your so smart with your AOL homepage and your fancy towel knowledge" Annie said handing a towel to Britta. Causing Troy to give Britta a suggestive nod.
"Says the girl who raised money for an oil spill by covering herself in oil."
"Says the guy who's never had a donut and has high cholesterol."
"That was cold Edison" Jeff said with a playful smile.
"Cold like the ice creams you never ate?" She muttered. He threw a towel at her. She threw it back.
"Watch it oily" he said, taking a step away from her and cautiously dabbing her with the towel. She stuck her tongue out and wiped the oil on his face. He was about to take the towel from her and do the same but they were interrupted by Britta, yanking the towel from his hand.
"We don't need another oil fight thank you very much" she said wiping her face with it.
"Yeah...and the enviroment won't care if you two make out" Troy added. There was about three seconds of incredibly awkward silence before Troy added, "So, Annie. Britta. I believe this is your cue."
Britta pulled the towel from her face and glared at him. Jeff handed Annie another clean towel with a small smile. "You know Troy has a point" he said quietly so Britta wouldn't hear.
"What? Us making out is bad for the enviroment?"
He raised his eyebrows. "No, you and Britta making out is good for it, but it's nice to know what part of the conversation sticks with you longer."
Annie covered her face with the towel and told him to take Troy and leave. He did as he was told with one last smirk. Under the towel, she was also smiling.