Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: Belongs to Mr Harmon.
A/N - During Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking, which is probably my favourite episode of the season, jsyk. There was literally NOTHING I didn't like about this episode. Also this takes place just before Annie goes in to ask about the blood/holocaust diamonds. Also includes shipper!Abed because who doesn't love that, right? Previous chapters can be found at the
Chapter Directory. Freakout
Abed lurked quietly behind a pot plant as he filmed Jeff and Annie sitting together, pondering Pierce's fake bequeaths. Troy was sitting somewhere with Levar, and Shirley and Britta had gone to get snacks.
As Annie stared at the tiara, Jeff drummed his fingers anxiously off the arm of the chair. He cleared his throat loudly, and began to drum his other hand instead. When that didn't calm him, he leaned forward and started rolling his thumbs. Abed made a note to put this with the rest of the clips he had of Jeff freaking out.
Annie was completely unaware of the dilemma currently going on in Jeff's head. Instead, she was almost hypnotized by the tiara sitting on her lap.
Jeff cleared his throat loudly again.
"Why would he give me a tiara?" Annie asked him.
Jeff glanced back at the family treasure on Annie's lap and then shrugged. "Why does Pierce do anything? Because he's a sick minded..." Jeff couldn't seem to find the word he was looking for so he finished with "AUGH!"
"I don't know. I mean, he got Levar for Troy."
"Have you seen Troy since Levar got here? Pierce is messing with him. He's messing with all of us. He hasn't found my dad" Jeff said. He did a twitch reminiscent of that time when he was Goldbluming and sat back in his chair again, crossing and uncrossing his arms quickly.
Annie gave him a slightly concerned and frightened look. Her attention had finally deviated from the tiara onto Jeff in his poor state of mind. Abed zoomed in on the two of them, intrigued by the possibilities that could come from a scene like this.
"Jeff?" Annie said cautiously.
"I'm fine, Annie!" He snapped, already knowing what she was going to say.
Annie nodded slowly and turned back to her tiara.
"I mean, even if he has found my dad, it's not like I have anything to say to him" Jeff continued.
Annie gave him a pitiful look. "Are you sure?"
"Yes" Jeff scoffed, quickly. Then "No...Yes."
Annie placed a gentle hand on Jeff's arm to try and comfort him. He didn't seem to notice, still too lost trying to figure out if he wanted to see his father or not.
"I don't know if I'm..." He tried. "I'm ready, I think. I just.." But words seemed to fail him again. He groaned and allowed his head to lull backwards. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I hate that stupid old man!" He exclaimed.
"Pierce or your father?" Annie asked in a moment of unwise confusion.
"Annie, stop asking me complicated questions!" He shouted at her, making her jump back. He did a sort of cynical, serial killer laugh and then sighed. "I'm sorry" He said in a terrifyingly even tone.
"No, it's fine. Clearly this is tough on you" She said, although she still had a frightened expression on her face.
Jeff sighed again and turned to look at her with a sort of angry, tortured expression. Annie softened a little and put her hand on his shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. He gave her a small thankful smile in return.
Abed tried to move the camera a bit to catch them at a better angle, but all it did was ruffle the leaves of the plant he was hiding behind. Both Jeff and Annie ended up remembering that he was there. Annie jolted a little, pulling her hand away and holding it like she'd just been burned by Jeff's shoulder. Jeff rolled his eyes at Abed and leaned forward again.
"You know, you should just ask him what the tiara means" Jeff said.
"You think think that would work?" Annie asked.
"Couldn't hurt" Jeff shrugged, pulling another old magazine and pretending to read it.
Annie nodded with determination. "You're right. Thanks Jeff" She said standing up and heading for Pierce's room.
Abed filmed Jeff for a little moment longer before following her. Jeff watched her go, then returned to reading the magazine. Once she was gone he began tearing it up angrily. That was definitely going in the Jeff Winger freakout montage.