I should really friend more people from this fandom.

Dec 28, 2011 01:40

I've joined the tsn-a-thon on Tumblr. So that's a thing. I realize probably none of you are a part of this fandom, but you should be, because the people are awesome, and the ship is heart break, and everyone involved int hat beautiful movie deserves all the awards in every category ever ( Read more... )

the social network, christmas, personal post

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Comments 3

teruel_a_witch December 28 2011, 19:49:20 UTC
Ooh, fancy New Year in Portugal sounds awesome, do you speak Portuguese?

Books, always the best present, did you like Good Omens? I've been thinking about reading it sometime (though for that I'd hate to order it via Internet 'cause it's not sold in here)

Btw, I don't remember if I'd mentioned how I'd fallen behind on DW, well, now I'm finally rectifying it, decided to catch up by New Year's Day, and I just finished The God Complex, and what surprised me is how I was really bummed about 11 leaving Amy and Rory, I mean I don't even really care for them, except I apparently do,lol, DW still has that ability to give me ~feelings~, I guess once a Whovian always a Whovian *gg*


moeexyz December 28 2011, 23:23:20 UTC
Yeah, but not very good. My vocabulary is pretty much the equivalent of a six year old's.

I thought it was fantastic. I love both Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman so it's kind of hard for me not to love it. It's really funny.

Oh god, I never want them to leave ever, which is usually how I feel about all companions, but still. I love the three of them together so much. I'm sure I'll say the same about whoever the new companion is. Mostly, though, I'm just sad that there won't be anymore of Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Arthur Darvill acting like children on Confidential. Those were better than actual episodes.


teruel_a_witch January 1 2012, 00:26:55 UTC
That's still great. Nah, you can always widen your vocabulary easily as long as you know how the system works, so vocab isn't the hardest part ;) Portuguese is slightly amusing to me because I kind of understand it and at the same time I don't. Same with Italian, though I understand more of it ( ... )


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